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Course curriculum

The course curriculum contains the mandatory core curriculum and the so-called ad-hoc courses, which are identified on an individual basis for each fellow.

Core Curriculum

In addition to periodic courses (eg. mentoring, public speaking and teaching) the mandatory core curriculum includes additional seminars and workshops on career related topics (such as management science). The choice of courses will be made ​​jointly with the fellows according to their interests and needs. Previous courses:

  • Mentoring
  • Scientific Writing in English
  • English for Medical Purposes
  • Grundlagen Klinische Studien
  • Wissenschaftskommunikation
  • Projektmanagement
  • Drittmittelmanagement
  • Principles of Epidemiology
  • Statistikkurse zu verschiedenen Themen
  • Wissenschaftliches Schreiben "Research Paper"
  • Konfliktmanagement
  • Lecturing in English
  • Zeitmanagement/Umgang mit Stress

Ad-hoc courses and networking events

Besides the mandatory core curriculum additional courses may be taken. The evaluation committee of each fellow decides which courses may or should be taken, e.g. FELASA or FACS courses.

Additionally, regular networking events are organized within the CTH.