Logo der Universitätsmedizin Mainz

Executive Directors

 Professor Stavros Konstantinides, MD
Professor Stavros Konstantinides, MD
Funktionen Internal Medicine, Cardiology
Medical Director CTH

 Katharina Mohr, MA
Katharina Mohr, MA
Deputy Managing Director
06131 17-8388

 Professor Wolfram Ruf, MD
Professor Wolfram Ruf, MD
Funktionen Scientific Director CTH, Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship "Experimental Hemostasiology", Deputy Speaker of CTH, Deputy Speaker of CTVB, Principal Investigator DZHK
06131 17-8222 06131 17-3456

 Jana Grünewald, PhD
Jana Grünewald, PhD
Funktionen General Manager
06131 17-8388 06131 17-3456

Managing Board

Jun. Prof. Dr. Carsten Deppermann
Jun. Prof. Dr. Carsten Deppermann
Funktionen Juniorgroup leader
06131 17-8215

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jurk
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jurk
Funktionen Principal Investigator
06131 17-8278

Dr. Cathrin Nourse
Dr. Cathrin Nourse
Funktionen Scientific Coordination CTH
06131 17-8056

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinhardt
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinhardt
Funktionen Juniorgroup leader, GFK Fellow, Scientist in the DZHK
06131 17-8280 06131 17-6238
Weitere Informationen

Prof. Dr. Med Philip Wenzel, MD
Prof. Dr. Med Philip Wenzel, MD
Funktionen Deputy director Cardiology I, DZHK Principal Investigator
06131 17-7695

 Professor Philipp Wild, MD, MSc
Professor Philipp Wild, MD, MSc
Funktionen Preventive Cardiology and Medical Prevention, Professorship „Clinical Epidemiology“, Coordinator Gutenberg Health Study (GHS), Principal Investigator Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung (DZHK)

Central Institutions

The CTH is closely associated with the central institutions to create a interdisciplinary research environment:

Organizational Chart