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Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship

Professor Wolfram Ruf, MD
Professorship for Cell Signaling Pathways of the Hemostatic System

The hemostatic system is comprised of the coagulation and fibrinolytic protease cascades, platelets, and cellular receptors on immune and vascular cells. The hemostatic response to infection and tissue injury supports inflammatory and immune reactions, but the coagulation pathways are increasingly recognized as major players and molecular targets for interventional therapy in cancer progression, atherosclerosis, chronic inflammatory disorders, and the metabolic syndrome associated with obesity. We are interested in the crosstalk of coagulation and inflammation and study contributions of inflammatory processes to the initiation of coagulation by tissue factor (TF). Our research also broadly addresses open question related to the roles of TF and coagulation protease signaling networks in the integration and modulation of inflammatory stimuli in immune cells. We are interested in the control of macrophage phenotypes by coagulation proteases and their receptors in chronic inflammation and use novel genetic mouse models that selectively delete or alter signaling specificity of components of the hemostatic system in innate immune cell populations. This genetic platform is employed in combination with transcriptional and proteomics approaches for generating fundamentally novel insights into cellular and molecular connections between coagulation and inflammation. We are interested in translational research that deciphers molecular mechanisms of diseases of the cardiovascular system and evaluates clinically relevant interventional proof-of-principle molecular probes in disease models.

Third party funding


 Professor Wolfram Ruf, MD
Professor Wolfram Ruf, MD
Funktionen Scientific Director CTH, Alexander von Humboldt-Professorship "Experimental Hemostasiology", Deputy Speaker of CTH, Deputy Speaker of CTVB, Principal Investigator DZHK
06131 17-8222 06131 17-3456

PD Claudine Graf, MD PhD
Funktionen Junior group leader
Physician UCT Mainz
Qualifikationen Specialist in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, Additional qualification: Palliative Care, Hemostaseology
06131 17-8014 (Office) bzw. -8027 (Lab)

 Kristin Grunz
Kristin Grunz
Funktionen PhD student
06131 17-8021 06131 17-8047

 Shashwat Kaushal
Shashwat Kaushal
Funktionen PhD Student
06131 17-8021

 Trisha Lahiri
Trisha Lahiri
Funktionen PhD student

Dr. Valentina Minciacchi
Dr. Valentina Minciacchi
Funktionen Post Doc; High Potential Grant Recipient
06131 17-8021

Mahnoor Nizami
Funktionen Technical Assistant
06131 17-8018

Dr. Cathrin Nourse
Dr. Cathrin Nourse
Funktionen Scientific Coordination CTH
06131 17-8056

Sven Pagel
Funktionen PhD student
06131 17-8021 06131 17-8047

 Jennifer Pott
Jennifer Pott
Funktionen PhD student
06131/17-8021 06131/17-8047

Sabine Reyda
Funktionen Research Coordinator
06131 17-8048

 Carina Rodrigues (geb. Santos)
Carina Rodrigues (geb. Santos)
Funktionen PhD student
06131 17-8021 06131 17-8047

 Foruzandeh Samangan
Foruzandeh Samangan
Funktionen Technical assistant
06131/17-8281 06131/17-6238

PhD Madhusudhan Thati
Funktionen Post Doc
06131 17-8014

Petra Wilgenbus
Funktionen Technician
06131 17-8028

 Claudius Witzler
Claudius Witzler
Funktionen PhD student
06131 17-8018

 Romina Wolz
Romina Wolz
Funktionen PhD student
06131 17-8018

We are looking forward to applications from highly motivated scientists.
Find out more (Pdf, 121,4 KB).

Reviews (Selection)

Editorials, Comments and other articles (Selection)

Research Interests

  • Molecular mechanisms of prothrombotic activation of TF
  • Coagulation protease signaling in myelo-monocytic cells
  • Protease activated receptor (PAR) signaling specificity in inflammation
  • Crosstalk of the hemostatic system with tumor progression and angiogenesis

Selected publications

July 2022

curATime funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Press Release

November 2021

Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1292 'Targeting convergent mechanisms of inefficient immunity in tumors and chronic infections' started 2nd funding round. Press Release

March 2021

Mechanismus of the autoimmune disease APS described by CTH researchers. Press Release and publication

February 2013

Professor Wolfram Ruf, MD
receives Alexander von Humboldt Professorship - awarded by the Federal Minister of Research Prof. Wanka in Berlin (Media AvH-Foundation)