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Junior Groups

The CTH junior groups are an attractive career option for excellent young scientists in their postdoctoral phase, who are not eligible for a professorship yet. Junior groups are a structural link between the education and training programs and the general research and treatment structures of the CTH.

Junior group leaders

  • have the opportunity to establish an independent research program within the field of thrombosis and hemostasis research
  • receive constant mentoring through the CTH professors
  • have the opportunity for professional development, e.g. in form of participation in leadership programs
  • be granted easy access to all platforms and facilities of the CTH and the University Medical Center Mainz
  • receive administrative support through the CTH management team
Junior group leaders are involved in the steering structures of the CTH, such as management board, the Translational Research Program or the Virchow Fellowship Program committee, and may therefore actively take part in shaping their professional environment. The leader of a successfully lead junior group should become competitive in applications for Professorships in translational biomedical research.

CTH Junior Groups

Coagulation factors in immunity

PD Dr. Claudine Graf, PhD

Systemic inflammation and vascular disease

PD Dr. Susanne Karbach