Curriculum vitae Prof. Müller

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner E. G. Müller
ERC Advanced Grant Investigator
1977 till now University-Professor, Institute for Physiol. Chemistry, Mainz University
1979 – 1992 Head of the Department "Applied Molecular Biology", Institute for Physiological Chemistry, University of Mainz
1975 – 1976 Sabbaticals, Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grant, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. (Prof. F.J. Bollum) USA
1977 and 1982 Research visitor at the Institute of Microbial Chemistry (Prof. Dr. H. Umezawa), Tokyo, Japan.
1986–1991 Visiting professor at the National Cancer Research Institute (Prof. T. Sugimura; Dr. S. Nishimura; Dr. Y. Kuchino), Tokyo, Japan.
1993–1999 Visiting professor (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science), Graduate School of Medicine (Prof. H. Ushijima), University of Tokyo.

Research fields

My research activities focus on:
  • Molecular evolution of marine invertebrates (sponges)
  • Enzymatic mechanism of biomineralization processes (biosilicification, biocalcification and bone hydroxy apatite formation)

  • Marine biotechnology and identification/characterization of marine bioactive molecules

  • Mode of action of bioactive compounds with antitumor, antiviral, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory activities

  • Development of novel applications of the enzymes/proteins involved in biomineral formation in nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine

  • Development and application of phosphate polymers (inorganic polyphosphates)

  • Development of novel strategies for regenerative therapy, bone and cartilage repair, wound healing, and 3D printing of tissue/scaffold materials/implants

Activities in the scientific community, honors, awards

Since 2019 Panel Member in the ERC Advanced Grants evaluation panel
2018 Doctor honoris causa (Dr. h.c.), University of Pula, CroatiaPanel Member in the ERC Advanced Grants evaluation panel
2013 President of IMBA (International Marine Biotechnology Association)
2012 Guest professor at Tsinghua University Beijing
2011 Holder of an ERC Advanced Grant
2010 Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy of Geosciences
2010 Honorary Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
1998 Member of the Belarus Medical Academy
1996 Member of the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts
1990 Member of the Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt [Senat]
2012 Friendship Award, the P.R. China's highest award for foreign experts
2011 Selection of his Center of Excellence “BIOTECmarin – Biomaterials from the Sea” as a “Landmark” in the national campaign “Germany - Land of Ideas”
2005 Spiridion Brusina Medal from the Croatian Society of Geneticists
2002 Innovation Prize of the Federal State Rheinland-Pfalz
1996 Award for Science and Research, Croatian Academy of Science
1996 Res. Award from "International Human Frontier Science Program"
1993 Research Award of the University of Zagreb
1986 Kani-Medal of the Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Res.; Tokyo
1986 Institute Ruder Boškovic-Medal in Gold; Zagreb
1980 Max-Bürger Award for Gerontology
1977 J.-G.-Zimmermann Award for Excellence in Cancer Research
1972 Boehringer Award for Excellence in Pathophysiology Research
since 1970 Editor or member of the Editorial Boards of a series of Journals and Book Series (e.g., Nucleic Acids Research; Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology [Editor-in-Chief]; Mechanism of Ageing and Development [Editor-in-Chief]; Cellular and Molecular Biology [Co-Editor]; Biomedical Materials [Board member])
Project coordination:
Coordinator of numerous international (EU) and national projects, among them the German Center of Excellence “BIOTECmarin” and the ongoing EU FP7 projects “BlueGenics” (large-scale integrating project) on exploiting marine genomics for nano-biomedical applications (such as the therapy of osteoporosis), “Bio-Scaffold” (rapid prototyping/3D printing in bone tissue engineering) and the ERC Advanced Investigator grant project “BIOSILICA” and the three ERC Proof-of-Concept projects Si-Bone-PoC (development of biosilica-based approaches for treatment of bone diseases), MorphoVES-PoC (development artificial blood vessels) and ArthroDUR (development of morphogenetically active cartilage implants)

> 1200 peer reviewed publications [Hirsch index: 84 (ISI Web of Knowledge)]