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Given JE, Loane M, Garne E, Nelen V, Barisic I, Randrianaivo H, Khoshnood B, Wiesel A, Rissmann A, Lynch C, Neville AJ, Pierini A, Bakker M, Klungsoyr K, Latos Bielenska A, et al. (2017). “Gastroschisis in Europe - A Case-malformed-Control Study of Medication and Maternal Illness during Pregnancy as Risk Factors”. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. Available at:  http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/ppe.12401.

Given JE, Loane M, Garne E, Nelen V, Barisic I, Randrianaivo H, Khoshnood B, Wiesel A, Rissmann A, Lynch C, Neville AJ, Pierini A, Bakker M, Klungsoyr K, Bielenska et al.  (2017). Gastroschisis in Europe – A prevalence and case-malformed control study”. Reproductive Toxicology, 72(2017), p.23. Available at:  http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0890623817303507

J.E.H. Bergman, L.R. Lutke, R.O.B. Gans, M.C. Addor, I. Barisic, C. Cavero-Carbonel5, E. Garne, M. Gatt, K. Klungsoyr9, N. Lelong, C. Lynch, O. Mokoroa, V. Nelen, A.J. Neville, A. Pierini, H. Randrianaivo, A. Rissmann, D. Tucker, A. Wiesel, H. Dolk, M. Loane, M.K. Bakker (2017) Beta-blocker use in pregnancy and risk of specific congenital anomalies: a European case-malformed control study. Drug Saf. 2017 Dec 11. doi: 10.1007/s40264-017-0627-x. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40264-017-0627-x

Boyle B, Addor MC, Arriola L, Barisic I, Bianchi F, Csáky-Szunyogh M, de Walle HEK, Dias CM, Draper E, Gatt M, Garne E, Haeusler M, Källén K, Latos-Bielenska A, McDonnell B, Mullaney C, Nelen V, Neville AJ, O'Mahony M, Queisser-Wahrendorf A, Randrianaivo H, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Ritvanen A, Rounding C, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Wellesley D, Wreyford B, Zymak-Zakutnia N, Dolk H. Estimating Global Burden of Disease due to congenital anomaly: an analysis of European data.Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2018 Jan;103(1):F22-F28. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311845. Epub 2017 Jun 30. https://fn.bmj.com/content/103/1/F22.long

Krille L, Dreger S, Schindel R, Albrecht T, Asmussen M, Barkhausen J, Berthold JD, Chavan A, Claussen C, Forsting M, Gianicolo EAL, Jablonka K, Jahnen A, Langer M, Laniado M, Lotz J, Mentzel HJ, Queißer-Wahrendorf A, Rompel O, Schlick J, Schneider K, Schumacher M, Seidenbusch M, Spix C, Spors B, Staatz G, Vogl T, Wagner J, Weisser G, Zeeb H, Blettner M. Erratum to: Risk of cancer incidence before the age of 15 years after exposure to ionising radiation from computed tomography: results from a German cohort study. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2017 Aug;56(3):293-297. doi: 10.1007/s00411-017-0694-5. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00411-017-0694-5


A Wiesel, G Stolz, and A Queisser-Wahrendorf. Evidence for a Teratogenic Risk in the Offspring of Health Personnel Exposed to Ionizing Radiation? Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2016 Jun;106(6):475-9.

Awi Wiesel, Gabriela Stolz und Annette Queißer-Wahrendorf.- Fehlbildungen: Häufigkeiten und Risikofaktoren. Aktuelle Daten aus dem Geburtenregister Mainzer Modell (MaMo). Kinder- und Jugendarzt, 47.Jg, (2016) Nr.6: 692-697.

Thiel S, Langer-Gould A, Rockhoff M, Haghikia A, Queisser-Wahrendorf A, Gold R, Hellwig K. Interferon-beta exposure during first trimester is safe in women with multiple sclerosis-A prospective cohort study from the German Multiple Sclerosis and Pregnancy Registry. Mult Scler. 2016 Feb 26. pii: 1352458516634872

Herbstritt S, Langer-Gould A, Rockhoff M, Haghikia A, Queisser-Wahrendorf A, Gold R, Hellwig K. Glatiramer acetate during early pregnancy: A prospective cohort study. Mult Scler. 2016 Jan 11. pii: 1352458515623366

Morris J, Rankin J, Garne E, Loane M, Greenlees R, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Barisic I, Bergman JEH, Csaky-Szunyogh M, Dias C, Draper E, Gatt M, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, Kurinczuk J, Lynch C, McDonnell R, Nelen V, Neville A, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Randrianaivo H, Rissmann A, Tucker D, verellun-Dumoulin C, de Walle H, Wellesley D, Wiesel A, Dolk H (2016).  Prevalence of Microcephaly in Europe: a population based study.  BMJ 354:i4721, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.i4721. https://www.bmj.com/content/354/bmj.i4721.full

Luteijn J, Morris J, Garne E, Given J, de Jong-van den Berg L, Addor M-C, Bakker M, Barisic I, Gatt M, Klungsoyr K, Latos-Bielenska A, Lelong N, Nelen V, Neville A, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Tucker D, de Walle H, Wiesel ALoane M, Dolk H (2016). EUROmediCAT signal detection: a systematic method for identifying potential teratogenic medication. British J Clinical Pharm DOI:10.1111/bcp.13056. https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bcp.13056

Given JE, Loane M, Luteijn JM, Morris JM, de Jong-van den Berg LTW, Garne E, Addor, M-C, Barisic I, de Walle H, Gatt M, Klungsoyr K, Khoshnood B, Latos-Bielenska A, Neville AJ, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Tucker D, Wiesel A, Dolk H (2016). EUROmediCAT signal detection: an evaluation of selected congenital anomaly-medication associations. British J Clinical Pharm. DOI: 10.1111/bcp.12947. https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bcp.12947

Queisser-Wahrendorf A, Wiesel A, Stolz G, Aktuelle Daten aus dem Geburtenregister Mainzer Modell (MaMo) Fehlbildungen- Häufigkeiten und Risikofaktoren. Kinder und Jugendarzt 47.Jg, (2016) Nr.6


Use of asthma medication during pregnancy and risk of specific congenital anomalies: A European case-malformed control study. Garne E, Hansen AV, Morris J, Zaupper L, Addor MC, Barisic I, Gatt M, Lelong N, Klungsøyr K, O'Mahony M, Nelen V, Neville AJ, Pierini A, Tucker D, de Walle H, Wiesel A, Loane M, Dolk H. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Dec;136(6):1496-1502.

Frey G, Schuster M, Oberlinner C, Queisser-Wahrendorf A, Lang S, Yong M. Pregnant Employee Protection Program in a Large Chemical Company. J Occup Environ Med. 2015 Sep; 57(9):965-72.

Bergman JEH, Loane M, Vrijheid M, Pierini A, Nijman RJM, Addor M-C, Barisic I, Beres J, Braz P, Budd J, Delany V, Gatt M, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, Martos C, Mullaney C, Nelen V, Neville A, O'Mahony M, Queisser-Luft A, Randrianaivo-Ranjatoelina H, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Tucker D, Wellesley D, Zymak-Zakutnya, N, Bakker M and de Walle H (2015). Epidemiology of hypospadias in Europe: a registry-based study. World J Urol. 2015 Dec;33(12):2159-67.

Krille L, Dreger S, Schindel R, Albrecht T, Asmussen M, Barkhausen J, Berthold JD, Chavan A, Claussen C, Forsting M, Gianicolo EA, Jablonka K, Jahnen A, Langer M, Laniado M, Lotz J, Mentzel HJ, Queißer-Wahrendorf A, Rompel O, Schlick I, Schneider K, Schumacher M, Seipenbusch M, Spix C, Spors B, Staatz G, Vogl T, Wagner J, Weisser G, Zeeb H, Blettner Risk of cancer incidence before the age of 15 years after exposure to ionising radiation from computed tomography: results from a German cohort study. M. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2015 Mar;54 (1):1-12.

Khoshnood B, Loane M, de Walle H, Arriola L, Addor MC, Barisic I, Beres J, Bianchi F, Dias C, Draper E, Garne E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Klungsoyr K, Latos-Bielenska A, Lynch C, McDonnell B, Nelen V, Neville AJ, O'Mahony MT, Queisser-Luft A, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Ritvanen A, Rounding C, Sipek A, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Wellesley D, Dolk H. Long term trends in prevalence of neural tube defects in Europe: population based study. BMJ. 2015 Nov 24;351

Springett A, Wellesley D, Greenlees R, Loane M, Addor MC, Arriola L, Bergman J, Cavero-Carbonell C, Csaky-Szunyogh M, Draper ES, Garne E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, Lynch C, Dias CM, McDonnell R, Nelen V, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Queisser-Luft A, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Stoianova S, Tuckerz D, Zymak-Zakutnia N, Morris JK. Congenital anomalies associated with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13: A registry-based study in 16 european countries, 2000-2011. Am J Med Genet A. 2015 Dec;167(12):3062-9.

Luteijn JM, Addor MC, Arriola L, Bianchi F, Garne E, Khoshnood B, Nelen V, Neville A, Queisser-Luft A, Rankin J, Rounding C, Verellen-Dumoulin C, de Walle H, Wellesley D, Wreyford B, Yevtushok L, de Jong-van den Berg L, Morris J, Dolk H. The Association of H1N1 Pandemic Influenza with Congenital Anomaly Prevalence in Europe: An Ecological Time Series Study. Epidemiology. 2015 Nov;26 (6):853-61.

Barisic I, Boban L, Greenlees R, Garne E, Wellesley D, Calzolari E, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Bergman JEH, Braz P, Budd J, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, McDonnell R, Nelen V, Pierini A, Queisser-Wahrendorf A, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C and Dolk H (2014). Holt Oram syndrome: a registry-based study in Europe. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 9: 156-165.

Barisic I, Boban L, Loane M, Garne E, Wellesley D, Calzolari E, Dolk H, Addor M-C, Bergman JEH, Braz P, Draper E, Haeusler M, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, Pierini A, Queisser-Luft A, Rankin J, Rissmann A and Verellen-Dumoulin C (2014). Meckel-Gruber syndrome: a population-based study on prevalence, prenatal diagnosis, clinical features, and survival in Europe.  Eur J Hum Genet. 2015 Jun;23(6):746-52. Epub 2014 Sep 3.

Barisic I, Odak, L, Loane M, Garne E, Wellesley D, Calzolari E, Dolk H, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Bergman JEH, Bianca S, Doray B, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, McDonnell R, Pierini A, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Queisser-Luft A, Scarano G and Tucker D (2014). Prevalence, prenatal diagnosis and clinical features of oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum: a registry-based study in Europe. Eur J Hum Genet. 2014 Aug;22(8):1026-33. Epub 2014 Jan 8.

Best KE, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Balku E, Barisic I, Bianchi F, Calzolari E, Curran R, Doray B, Draper E, Garne E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, van Kammen-Bergman, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, Martos C, Materna-Kiryluk A, Matias Dias C, McDonnell R, Mullaney C, Nelen V, O'Mahony M, Queisser-Luft A, Randrianaivo-Ranjatoelina H, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Sipek A, Thompson R, Tucker D, Wellesley D, Zymak-Zakutnya, N and Rankin J (2014). Hirschsprung's disease prevalence in Europe: a register based study. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2014 Sep;100(9):695-702. Epub 2014 Jul 26.

Calzolari E, Barisic I, Loane M, Morris J, Wellesley D, Dolk H, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Bianchi F, Neville A, Budd J, Klungsoyr K, Khoshnood B, McDonnell R, Nelen V, Queisser-Luft A, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, de Walle H and Garne E (2014). Epidemiology of multiple congenital anomalies in Europe: a EUROCAT population-based registry study. Birth Defects Research (Part A). 100: 270-276.


Luteijn M, Dolk H, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Barisic I, Bianchi F, Calzolari E, Draper E, Garne E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Khoshnood B, McDonnell R, Nelen V, O'Mahony M, Mullaney C, Queisser-Luft A, Rankin J, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, de Walle H and Yevtushok L (2014). Seasonality of Congenital Anomalies in Europe. Birth Defects Research (Part A). 100: (260). 269.

McGivern M, Best KE, Rankin J, Wellesley D, Greenlees R, Addor M-C, Arriola L, de Walle H, Barisic I, Beres J, Bianchi F, Calzolari E, Doray B, Draper E, Garne E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Khoshnood B, Klungsoyr K, Latos- Bielenska A, O'Mahony M, Braz P, McDonnell R, Mullaney C, Nelen V, Queisser-Luft A, Randrianaivo-Ranjatoelina H, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Sipek A, Thompson R, Tucker D, Wertelecki W and Martos C (2014). Epidemiology of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in Europe: a register-based study. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition. epub: F1-F8.

Morris J, Garne E, Wellesley D, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Barisic I, Beres J, Bianchi F, Budd J, Dias C M, Gatt M, Klungsoyr K, Khoshnood B, Latos- Bielenska A, Mullaney C, Nelen V, Neville A, O'Mahony M, Queisser-Luft A, Randrianaivo-Ranjatoelina H, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Rounding C, Sipek A, Tucker D, de Walle H, Yevtushok L, Loane M, Dolk H and Stoianova S (2014). Major Congenital Anomalies in Babies Born with Down Syndrome: A EUROCAT Population-Based Registry Study. Am J Med Genet A. 2014 Dec;164A(12):2979-86. Epub 2014 Sep 24.

L Krille, S Dreger, R Schindel, T Albrecht, M Asmussen, J Barkhausen, J D Berthold, A Chavan, C Claussen, M Forsting, E A L Gianicolo, K Jablonka, A Jahnen, M Langer, M Laniado, J Lotz, HJ Mentzel, A Queißer-Wahrendorf, O Rompel, I Schlick, K Schneider, M Schumacher, M Seidenbusch, C Spix, B Spors, G Staatz, T Vogl, J Wagner, G Weisser, H Zeeb, M Blettner. Risk of cancer incidence before the age of 15 years after exposure to ionising radiation from computed tomography: results from a German cohort study http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25567615; http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00411-014-0580-3

Winding L, Loane M, Wellesley D, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Bakker M, Bianchi F, Calzolari E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Lelong N, Mullaney C, Scarano G, Tucker D, Wiesel A and Garne E (2014). Prenatal diagnosis and epidemiology of multicystic kidney dysplasia in Europe.  Prenatal Diagnosis. 34: 1-6.


Barisic I, Odak L, Loane M, Garne E, Wellesley D, Calzolari E, Dolk H, Addor MC, Arriola L, Bergman J, Bianca S, Boyd PA, Draper ES, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Khoshnood B, Latos-Bielenska A, McDonnell B, Pierini A, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Queisser-Luft A, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Stone D, Tenconi R. Fraser syndrome: epidemiological study in a European population. Am J Med Genet A. 2013 May;161 A (5):1012-8

Khoshnood B, Loane M, Garne E, Addor MC, Arriola L, Bakker M, Barisic I, Bianca S, Boyd P, Calzolari E, Doray B, Draper E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Melve KK, Latos-Bielenska A, McDonnell B, Mullaney C, Nelen V, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Queisser-Luft A, Randrianaivo H, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Salvador J, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Wellesley D, Zymak-Zakutnya N, Dolk H. Recent decrease in the prevalence of congenital heart defects. Europe.J Pediatr. 2013 Jan;162 (1):108-13.e2

M Loane, J K Morris, MC Addor, L Arriola, J Budd, B Doray, E Garne, M Gatt, M Haeusler, B Khoshnood, K Klungsøyr Melve, A Latos-Bielenska, B McDonnell, C Mullaney, M O’Mahony, A Queißer-Wahrendorf, J Rankin, A Rissmann, C Rounding, J Salvador, D Tucker, D Wellesley, L Yevtushok and H Dolk. Twenty-year trends in the prevalence of Down syndrome and other trisomies in Europe: impact of maternal age and prenatal screening. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2013; 21, 27–33

Wijers CHW, van Rooij IALM, Bakker MK, Marcelis CLM, Addor MC, Barisic I, Béres J, Bianca S, Bianchi F, Calzolari E, Greenlees R, Lelong N, Latos-Bielenska A, Dias CM, McDonnell R, Mullaney C, Nelen V, O’Mahony M, Queisser-Luft A, Rankin J, Zymak-Zakutnia N, de Blaauw I, Roeleveld, N de Walle HEK. Anorectal malformations and pregnancy-related disorders: a registry-based case-control study in 17 European regions. British Journal of Gynaecology 2013, Vol. 120, 9, 1066–1074


Garne E, Loane M, Dolk H, Barisic I, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Bakker M, Calzolari E, Dias C M, Doray B, Gatt M, Klungsoyr Melve K, Nelen V, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Randrianaivo-Ranjatoelina H, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C and Wiesel A. Spectrum of congenital anomalies in pregnancies with pregestational diabetes. Birth Defects Research 2012; 94 (A), 134-140.

Khoshnood B, Loane M, Garne E, Addor M-C, Arriola L, Bakker M, Barisic I, Bianca S, Boyd P, Calzolari E, Doray B, Draper E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Klungsoyr-Melve K, Latos- Bielenska A, McDonnell R, Mullaney C, Nelen V, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Queisser-Luft A, Randrianaivo-Ranjatoelina H, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Salvador J, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Wellesley D, Zymak-Zakutnya, N and Dolk H. Recent decrease in the prevalence of congenital heart defects in Europe. The Journal of Pediatrics 2012; Vol. 162, 108-113


Queißer-Luft A, Wiesel A, Stolz G, Mergenthaler A, Kaiser M, Schlaefer K, Wahrendorf J, Blettner M, Spix C. Birth defects in the vicinity of nuclear power plants in Germany. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2011; 50(2): 313-323

Wiesel A, Spix C, Mergenthaler A, Queißer-Luft A. Maternal occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and birth defects. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2011; 50(2): 325-328

Boyd P, Loane M, Garne E, Khsohnood B, Dolk H and a EUROCAT Working Group. “Sex Chromosome Trisomies in Europe: Prevalence, Prenatal Detection and outcome of Pregnancy”, European Journal of Human Genetics 2011; Vol 19, 231-234

Dolk H, Loane M, Garne E and a EUROCAT Working Group. Congenital heart defects in Europe: Prevalence and perinatal mortality, 2000 to 2005, Circulation 2011; Vol 123 (8), 841-849

Garne E, Dolk H, Loane M, Wellesley D, Barisic I, Calzolari E, Densem J and a EUROCAT Working Group. "Surveillance of multiple congenital anomalies: implementation of a computer algorithm in European registers for classification of cases", Birth Defects Research. 2011; Part A Vol 91, S44-S50

Greenlees R, Neville A, Addor M-C, Amar E, Arriola L, Bakker M, Boyd P, Calzolari E, Doray B, Draper E, Vollset S E, Garne E, Gatt M, Haeusler M, Kallen K, Khoshnood B, Latos- Bielenska A, Martinez-Frias M-L, Materna-Kiryluk A, Dias C M, McDonnell R, Mullaney C, Nelen V, O'Mahony M, Pierini A, Queisser-Luft A, Randrianaivo-Ranjatoelina H, Rankin J, Rissmann A, Ritvanen A, Salvador J, Sipek A, Tucker D, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Wellesley D and Wertelecki W. Paper 6: EUROCAT member registries: organization and activities. Birth Defects Research 2011; Part A  91: S51-S100.

Khoshnood B, Greenlees R, Loane M, Dolk H, and a EUROCAT Working Group. EUROCAT public health indicators for congenital anomalies in Europe, Birth Defects Research 2011; Part A Vol 91, S16-S22
Loane M, Dolk H, Garne E, Greenlees R and a EUROCAT Working Group. EUROCAT Data Quality Indicators for population-based registries of congenital anomalies. Birth Defects Research 2011; Part A Vol 91, S23-S30

Loane M, Dolk H, Kelly A, Teljeur C, Greenlees R, Densem J and a EUROCAT Working Group. EUROCAT Statistical Monitoring: Identification of ten year trends of congenital anomalies in Europe. Birth Defects Research 2011; Part A Vol 91, S31-S43


Kohl M, Wiesel A, Schier F, Familial recurrence of gastroschisis Literature review and data from the population-based birth registry “Mainz Model”, J Ped Surgery 2010; 45, 1907-1912

de Souza E, Morris JK and a EUROCAT Working Group. Case-control analysis of paternal age and trisomic anomalies, Archives of  Disease in Childhood 2010; 95 (11) 893-7
Jentink J, Loane M, Dolk H, Barisic I, Garne E, Morris J, de Jong-van den Berg L and EUROCAT Antiepileptic Study Working Group. Valproic acid monotherapy in pregnancy and major congenital malformations. The New England Journal of Medicine 2010; 362: (23). 2185-2193

Jentink J, Dolk H, Loane M, Morris J, Wellesley D, Garne E, de Jong-van den Berg L and EUROCAT Antiepileptic Study Working Group. Intrauterine exposure to carbamazepine and specific congenital malformations: systematic review and case-control study. British Medical Journal 2000 341: C6581

Loane M, Dolk H, and a EUROCAT Working group. "Prevalence of Neural Tube Defects (NTD) in Younger Mothers in Europe 2000-2008: Analysis of the EUROCAT Database - Report to Bayer Schiering Pharma", 30th September 2010, EUROCAT Central Registry, University of Ulster


Queisser-Luft A. Dydrogesterone use during pregnancy: overview of birth defects reported since 1977; Early Hum Dev. 2009; 85(6): 375-7

Garne E, Loane M, Wellesley D, Barisic I and a EUROCAT Working Group. Congenital Hydronephrosis: Prenatal Diagnosis and Epidemiology in Europe. Journal of Pediatric Urology 2009; Vol 5, 47-52
Loane M, Dolk H, Morris JK and a EUROCAT Working Group. "Maternal Age-Specific Risk of Non-Chromosomal Anomalies" British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2009; Vol 116, 1111-1119


Queisser-Luft A. Prevention of neural tube defects: what is the effect of polymorphism in folate metabolism? Prevention with folic acid and folate. Kinderkrankenschwester. 2008; 27(9):385-6

Barisic I, Tokic V, Loane M, Bianchi F, Calzolari E, Garne E, Wellesley D, Dolk H and EUROCAT Working Group. Descriptive Epidemiology of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome in Europe. American Journal of Medical Genetics 2008; Part A, Vol 146A, 51-59

Boyd PA, de Vigan C, Khsohnood B, Loane M, Garne E, Dolk H and the EUROCAT Working Group. Survey of Prenatal Screening Policies in Europe for Structure Malformations and Chromosome Anomalies, and Their Impact on Detection and Termination Rates for Neural Tube Defects and Down's Syndrome. BJOG, 2008; Vol 115, 689-696

Dolk H, Jentink J, Loane M, Morris J, de Jong-van den Berg LT; Calzolari E, Barisic I, Wellesley D, Garne E, De Vigan C, de Walle H, Bakker M, Gatt M, Melve KK, O'Mahony M, Nelen V, Gillerot Y, Rivieri F, Pierini A, Queisser-Luft A, Poetzsch S, Tucker D, Portillo I, Latos-Bielenska A, Mejnartowicz J, Doray B, Addor MC. (EUROCAT Antiepileptic Drug Working Group). Does lamotrigine use in pregnancy increase orofacial cleft risk relative to other malformations?  Neurology. 2008; 2;71(10):714-22.


Frey GM, Ott MG, Messerer P, Nasterlack M, Zober A, Queisser-Luft A. Pregnancy protection program in a large chemical company: infant outcomes.J Occup Environ Med. 2007; 49(5): 519-25

Frey GM, Ott MG, Messerer P, Nasterlack M, Queisser-Luft A, Zober A. Pregnancy protection program in a large chemical company: design and initial survey results. J Occup Environ Med. 2007; 49(5): 507-18

Calzolari E, Pierini A, Astolfi G, Bianchi F, Neville AJ, Rivieri F, and the EUROCAT Working Group. Associated Anomalies in Multi-Malformed Infants with Cleft Lip and Palate: An Epidemiologic Study of Nearly 6 Million Births in 23 EUROCAT Registries. American Journal of Medical Genetics 2007; Part A, Vol 143, No 6, 528-537

Garne E, Loane M, Nelen V, Bakker M, Gener B, Abramsky L, Addor M-C and Queisser-Luft. A Survival and Health in Liveborn Infants with Transposition of Great Arteries - A Population Based Study", Congenital Heart Diseases, 2007; Vol 2 (3), 165-169

Loane M, Dolk H, Bradbury I, and a EUROCAT Working Group. Increasing Prevalence of Gastroschisis in Europe 1980-2002: A Phenomenon Restricted to Younger Mothers?
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 2007; Vol 21, 363-369


Queisser-Luft A, Spranger J. Fehlbildungen bei Neugeborenen. Dtsch Arztebl. 2006; Heft 38, 2464-2471


Queißer-Luft A. Epidemiologie von Fehlbildungen. Der Gynäkologe 2005; 38 (1): 8-15

Wiesel A, Queisser-Luft A, Clementi M, Bianca S, Stoll C and the EUROSCAN Study Group. Prenatal Detection of Congenital Renal Malformations by Fetal Ultrasonographic Examination: An Analysis of 709,030 Births in 12 European Countries. European Journal of Medical Genetics, 2005; Vol 48, 131-144

Wiesel A, Queisser-Luft A, Stolz G, Schlaefer K, Zabel B, Blettner M, Wahrendorf J. Report on a cluster of Trisomy 21 (Tri21) cases in the region of Rheinhessen, Germany in 2004. Archive of perinatal medicine, Supplement p.13

Busby A, Abramsky L, Dolk H, Armstrong B and EUROCAT Folic Acid Working Group. Preventing neural tube defects in Europe: a population based study. British Medical Journal, 2005; 330: 574-575
Dolk H, Loane M, Garne E, de Walle, H, Queisser-Luft A, de Vigan C, Addor M-C, Gener B, Haeusler M, Jordan H, Tucker D, Stoll C, Feijoo M, Lillis D, Bianchi F. Trends and Geographic Inequalities in the Livebirth Prevalence of Down Syndrome in Europe 1980-1999. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 2005; Vol 53, 2S87-2S95

Garne E, Loane M, Dolk H, de Vigan C, Scarano G, Tucker D, Stoll C, Gener B, Pierini A, Nelen V, Rösch C, Gillerot Y,  Feijoo M, Tincheva R, Queisser-Luft A, Addor M-C, Mosquera C, Gatt M, Barisic I. Prenatal diagnosis of Severe Structural Malformations in Europe. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2005; Vol 25, No 1, 6-11


Bauer K, Wiesel A, Stolz G, Schlaefer K, Zabel B, Queißer-Luft A. Evidence for lower birth weight after ICSI in a birth cohort? Reproductive Toxicology 2004; 18 (1): 145

Queisser-Luft A, Stolz G, Wiesel A, Schlaefer K, Fleck B, Dittrich M, Spix C and Wahrendorf J: Childhood cancer and major malformations: A population-based analysis of 33.254 newborns of the Mainz birth registry. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (2004) 58 Suppl.1; A112

Schlaefer K, Wiesel A, Stolz G und Queißer-Luft A. Time Trends in Major Malformations and Socio-Demographic Data in the Mainz Birth Registry 1990 – 2001.
Reproductive Toxicology 2004; 18 (1): 153

Stolz G, Wiesel A, Schlaefer K und Queißer-Luft A Associations between major malformations and childhood cancer. Reproductive Toxicology 2004; 18 (1): 153-54

Stolz G, Wiesel A, Schlaefer K, Dittrich M, Spix C, Wahrendorf J and Queisser-Luft A: Associations between childhood cancer and major malformations: Analysis of 36.874 newborns of the birth registry Mainz Model. Biometrical Journal (2004) 46 Suppl. 62

Wiesel A, Stolz G, Bauer K, Schmitt M, Schlaefer K and Queißer-Luft A. ICSI an increased risk for major malformations? A population based analysis of the Mainz birth registry. Reproductive Toxicology 2004; 18 (1): 137-38

Wiesel A, Stolz G, Schlaefer K, Bauer K, Zabel B and Queisser-Luft A: Testing Intra Cytoplasmatic Sperm Injection (ICSI) as a Risk Factor for Lower Birth Weight Compared to Spontaneously Conceived Children. Biometrical Journal 2004; 46 Suppl. 62

Calzolari E, Bianchi F, Rubini M, Ritvanen A, Neville A and a EUROCAT Working Group. Epidemiology of Cleft Palate in Europe: Implications for Genetic Research Strategy,The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 2004; Vol 41, No 3, 244-249

Dolk H, Vrijheid M, Scott JES, Addor M-C, Botting B, de Vigan C, de Walle H, Garne E, Loane M, Pierini A, Garcia-Minaur S, Physick N, Tenconi R, Wiesel A, Calzolari E and Stone D.
Towards the effective surveillance of hypospadias. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004; Vol 112 (3). 398-402

Garne E, Loane M, de Vigan C, Scarano G, de Walle H, Gillerot Y, Stoll C, Addor M-C, Stone D, Gener B, Feijoo M, Mosquera-Tenreiro C, Gatt M, Queisser-Luft A, Baena N and Dolk H. Prenatal Diagnostic Procedures used in Pregnancies with Congenital Malformations in 14 Registries in Europe, Prenatal Diagnosis, 2004; Vol 24, No11, 908-912

Wellesley D, De Vigan C, Baena N, Cariati E, Stoll C, Boyd P, Clementi M and the EUROSCAN Group. Contribution of Ultrasonographic Examination to the Prenatal Detection of Trisomy 21: Experience from 19 European registers,  Annales de Genetique, 2004; Vol 47, No 4, 373-380


Ismail C, Wiesel A, März RW, Queisser-Luft A. Surveillance study of Sinupret in comparison with data of the Mainz birth registry. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2003; 267: 196-201

Queisser-Luft A, Stolz G. Minor morphogenetic errors – minor manifestations of major significance.
Kinderkrankenschwester. 2003; 22(4):163-5

Stolz G, von Kries R, Wiesel A., Queißer-Luft A. Pädiatrische Epidemiologie in Deutschland.
Pädiatrische Praxis 2003; 63, 351-358

Baena N, De Vigan C, Cariai,Clementi M, Stoll C, Caballin MR, Guitart M and the Euroscan Working Group. Prenatal Detection of Rare Chromosomal Autosomal Abnormalities in Europe,
American Journal of Medical Genetics, 2003; Vol 118a, 319-327

Stoll C, Clementi M, and the Euroscan Study Group. Prenatal diagnosis of dysmorphic syndromes by routine fetal ultrasound examination across Europe, Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol  2003; Vol 21, 543-551


Hohenfellner K, Seemayer S, Stolz G, Mannhardt W, Habermehl P, Knuf M, Queißer-Luft A. Prä- und postpartale Ultraschalluntersuchungen zur Diagnostik von Urogenitalfehlbildungen. Klinische Pädiatrie 2002; 212: 320-325

Queisser-Luft A, Stolz G, Wiesel A, Schlaefer K, Spranger J. Malformations in Newborns: Results based on 30,940 infants and fetuses (1990 - 1998) from the Mainz congenital birth defect monitoring system. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2002; 266 (3); 163-167

Queißer-Luft A und Stolz G. Kleine morphogenetische Fehler- Kleine Befunde mit großer Bedeutung? Kinderkrankenschwester 2002; 21, 2-4

Stolz G, Schumacher R, Wiesel A, Schlaefer K, Queißer-Luft A. Prä- und postnatales Nierenscreening im Vergleich: eine Analyse von 34.450 Neugeborenen des Geburtenregisters Mainzer Modell. Radiologe 2002; 42; 630-636

Thyen U, Hagedorn-Reiwe M, Queißer-Luft A. Das Kind mit Behinderung in Familie und Gesellschaft. Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde 2002; 150; 1112-1125

Garne E, Haeusler M, Barisic I, Gjergja R, Stoll C, Clementi M and the EUROSCAN Study Group. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Evaluation of Prenatal Diagnosis in 20 European Regions. Ultrasound Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2002; 19, 329-333

Haeusler M, Berghold A, Stoll C, Barisic I, Clementi M and the EUROSCAN Study Group. Prenatal ultrasonographic detection of gastrointestinal obstruction: results from 18 European congenital anomaly registries. Prenatal Diagnosis, 2002; 22, 616-623


Queißer-Luft A. Besteht für Kinder, die nach intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektion geboren werden, ein erhöhtes gesundheitliches Risiko? Medizinische Genetik, 2001; 13:2;139-41

Queißer-Luft A, Wiesel A, Stolz G, Borck G, Schlaefer K, Zabel B, Spranger J. Klinisches Neugeborenenscreening zur Erfassung angeborener Fehlbildungen: Ergebnisse und Perspektiven des Geburtenregisters Mainzer Modell. Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde 2001; 149:12; 1319-25
Queißer-Luft A. Neuralrohrdefekte und ihre Prävention. 97.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Freiburg. Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde 2001; 149,8 Suppl 2, SVP 88

Stoll C, Garne E, Clementi M, and a EUROSCAN Study Group. Evaluation of Prenatal Diagnosis of Associated Congenital Heart Diseases by Fetal Ultrasonographic Examination in Europe. Prenatal Diagnosis, 2001; Vol 21, 243-252

Stoll C, Tenconi R, Clementi M and the Europscan Study Group. "Detection of Congenital Anomalies by Fetal Ultrasonographic Examination Across Europe".Community Genetics, 2001; Vol 4, 225-232
Barisic I, Clementi C, Häusler M, Gjergja R, Kern J, Stoll c, and the Euroscan Study Group. "Evaluation of Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis of Fetal Abdominal Wall Defects by 19 European Registries", Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2001; Vol 18, 309-316

De Vigan C, Baena N, Cariati E, Clementi M, Stoll C, and the Euroscan working Group. "Contribution of Ultrasonographic Examination to the Prenatal Detection of Chromosomal Abnormalities in 19 Centres Across Europe", Annales de Genetique, 2001; Vol 44, 209-217

Garne E, Stoll C, Clementi M, and the EUROSCAN Group. "Evaluation of Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Diseases by Ultrasound: Experience from 20 European Registries", Ultrasound Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2001; Vol 17, 386-391


Queisser-Luft A, Wiesel A, Stoll C, Clementi M, EUROSCAN Working Group. Evaluation of Renal Ultrasonographic Findings in 708.756 Fetuses – An European Study . Annual Meeting 2000 of the American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2000; 67, 4 Suppl.2: 417 (2352)

Stoll C, Wiesel A, Queisser-Luft A, Froster U, Bianca S, Clementi M, and a EUROSCAN Study Group. Evaluation of the Prenatal Diagnosis of Limb Reduction Deficiencies. Prenatal Diagnosis, 2000; Vol 20, 811-818

Stolz G, Wenzel A, Wippermann CF, Kampmann C, Queißer-Luft A. Neonatale Herzrhythmusstörungen: Prävalenz und Follow up. 96. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Stuttgart. Klinische Pädiatrie 2000; 5, V017

Wiesel A, Stoll C, Queißer-Luft A, Froster U. Prenatal Diagnosis of Limb Reduction Deficiencies by Ultrasonographic Examination in Europe. Annual Meeting 2000 of the American Society of Human Genetics, Philadelphia. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2000; 67 4 (Suppl.2) 419

Barisic I, Stoll C, Clement M, Haeusler M, Gjergja-Matejic R, Modrusan-Mozetic Z, Zuzek A, Stanojevic M, Beer Z and the EUROSCAN Study Group. "Ucinkovitost Prenatalnog Ultrazvucnog Otkrivanja Kongenitalnih Malformacija: Europsko Multicentricno Ispitivanje", Paediatria Croatica, 2000; Vol 44, Suppl 3, 189

Barisic I, Clement M, Haeusler M, Gjergja-Matejic R, Modrusan-Mozetic Z, Zuzek A, Stanojevic M, Beer Z, Stoll C and the EUROSCAN Study Group. "Evaluacija Prenatalnog Otkrivanja Dijafragmalnih Hernija Rutinskim Ultrazvucnim Pregledome U 19 Europskh Centara", Paediatria Croatica, 2000; Vol 44, Suppl 3, 190

Clementi M, Tenconi R, Bianchi F, Stoll C, and a EUROSCAN Study Group. Evaluation of Prenatal Diagnosis of Cleft Lip With or Without Cleft Palate by Ultrasound: Experience from 20 European Registries, Prenatal Diagnosis, 2000; Vol 20, 870-875

Barisic I, Clementi M et al. "Evaluation of Routine Prenatal Ultrasound Detection of Fetal Gastrointestinal Malformations: European Multicentric Study".Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2000; Vol 16, Suppl 1, 61

vor 2000 (ausgewählt)

Queißer-Luft A, Stolz G, Wiesel A, Menger H, Schlaefer K (2000): Mainzer Geburtenregister: Assoziationen von großen Fehlbildungen und kleinen morphogenetischen Fehlern. 96. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Stuttgart. Klinische Pädiatrie 5, 212: 56, V66.

Queißer-Luft A, Kieninger-Baum D, Menger H, Stolz G, Schlaefer K und Merz E. Erhöht mütterliche Adipositas das Risiko für kindliche Fehlbildungen? Analyse von 20.248 Neugeborenen des Mainzer Geburtenregisters zur Erfassung angeborener Fehlbildungen. Ultraschall Med 1998; 19, 40-44

Queißer-Luft A, Stopfkuchen H, Stolz G, Schlaefer K, Merz E. Prenatal diagnosis of major malformations: Quality control of routine ultrasound examinations based on a five-year study of 20,248 newborn fetuses and infants. Pren Diagn 1998; 18: 567–576

Queißer-Luft A,  Wiesel A,  Stolz G, Borck G, Schlaefer K, Zabel B, Spranger J.  Klinisches Neugeborenenscreening zur Erfassung angeborener Fehlbildungen: Ergebnisse und Perspketiven des Geburtenregisters Mainzer Modell. Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde 1998;  149:12; 1319-25

Queißer-Luft A, Eggers I, Stolz G, Kieninger-Baum D, Schlaefer K. Letter to the editor: Serial examination of 20,248 newborns: Correlations between drug exposure and major malformations. Am J Med Genet A 1997; 70:100-10

Queißer-Luft A. Pränatale Diagnostik aus pädiatrischer Sicht. Praktische Pädiatrie 1997; 3:210-212

Queißer-Luft A, Eggers I, Stolz G, Kieninger-Baum D, Schlaefer K. Serial examination of 20,248 newborn fetuses and infants: Correlations between drug exposure and major malformations.
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Queißer-Luft A, Wolf HG, Schlaefer K, von Kries R. Häufigkeiten von Neuralrohrdefekten in Deutschland. Prävalenz - Inzidenz. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1996; 144:136-140

Queißer-Luft A, Schlaefer K, Schicketanz K-H, Spranger J. Erfassung angeborener Fehlbildungen bei Neugeborenen: Das Mainzer Modell. Dt Ärztebl 1994; 91:A-747-750

Stolz G, Wiesel A, Schlaefer K, Queisser-Luft A (2000): Antenatal detection rate of chromosomal aberrations in a study population of  31,151 newborns and fetus from 1990-1998. 1st International Symposium on Prevention and Epidemiology of Congenital Malformations (ISPECOM), Cardiff. Frontiers in fetal health 2, 9-11: A 75


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Lentze M.J. Schaub J. Schulte F.J. Spranger J (Hrsg.) Queisser-Luft A: Konnatale anatomische Entwicklungsstörungen Pädiatrie Grundlagen und Praxis 3. Auflage, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 2007, S 278-285

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Hoffmann Thomas S und Schweidler Walter (Hrsg.) Normkultur vs. Nutzenkultur

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