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The CTH Platform-Concept

The Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) provides a spectrum of state-of-the-art methods for translational research in thrombosis, hemostasis and related fields. Different platform laboratories have been established focusing on experimental research but also working at the interface between basic science and clinical research.

All researchers who are interested in collaboration projects with the CTH platforms are welcome. The platform concept is based on collaborative projects with CTH-associated or external scientific groups to achieve a common win-win situation.

For general question, please contact Dr. Kerstin Jurk. For project-specific questions and collaborations,  please contact the coordinator of the platform of interest.

Platform 1 - Intravital microscopy

Platform 2 - Cardiovascular function

Platform 3 - Platelet function

Platform 4 - Genetic resources

Platform 5 - Advanced diagnostics

Platform 6 - Biostatistics / bioinformatics

Platform 7 - Biodata banking

Platform 8 - Vascular remodeling

Platfom Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jurk
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Jurk

Principal Investigator

06131 17-8278

CTH Platform Committee

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Ruf (Scientific Director CTH)

Jun. Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinhardt

Prof. Dr. Philip Wenzel

PD Dr. Kerstin Jurk

PD Dr. Heidi Rossmann

Dr. Irene Schmidtmann

Prof. Dr. Philipp Wild

Prof. Dr. Katrin Schäfer

PD Dr. Markus Bosmann
