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Extension of the Fellowship: Evaluation after 48 months of funding

  • It is the responsibility of each FTN/TransMed Fellow to apply for an extension of his/her fellowship in time, which means at least three months before the official expiration of the fellowship.
  • The application for an extension of the Fellowship must be submitted to the FTN Office not later than the 20th of a month. The progress of the project has to be presented (max. 10 minutes) to the FTN Teaching Committee on the first Tuesday of the following month.
  • Required documents for an extension of the FTN/TransMed Fellowship:
    - application with a progress report of max. four pages
    - letter of recommendation from the first supervisor
  • Main criterion for the evaluation: the present PhD project requires a defined and limited exension of funding; the proposed project plan will allow a completion of the project within the following 6-12 months.
  • Additional criteria: quality of the presentation, quality ot data, authorships, scientific and personal progress of the PhD candidate.

The extended funding period is limited to 12 months (max. funding period: five years).


FTN/TransMed Fellowship Coordinator:

Sabine Tensing

University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Bldg. 907, Room 01-216

Tel +49 6131 17-7632