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Statistics for Experimental Life Scientists

The course teaches principles of statistical analysis as required for typical experiments in preclinical biomedical research, i.e. with a focus on considerations related to small sample sizes. This compact workshop is largely based on examples from the work of the participants. Moreover, each participant is supposed to supply a dataset based on own research along with a data analysis question. It is expected that 20-30% of total course will be based on discussing these examples from the participants. While many useful software packages exist, the course will be based on using GraphPad Prism. Participants not having access to this software will get a free temporary license as part of attending the course.

The course is offered as part of the compulsory elective week for medical students, but 10 TransMed members may participate as well. 


  • Why do I need statistics?
  • Describing data
  • Fundamental concepts
  • What do P-values mean?
  • Choosing a statistical test
  • Statistical analysis of multiple groups
  • Correlation, regression and curve fitting
  • Statistical power
  • How to report statistical results
  • Design of robust studies

Target audience: TransMed's doctoral candidates, postdocs, and clinician scientists

Maximum number of participants: 10 TransMed members

Please read the texts you receive before and bring your dataset based on own research along with a data analysis question to the workshop.

Next workshop: TBA

Venue/Technology: TBA

For the workshop, 2.5 CP for scientific skills training can be credited.


Ivonne Dietzel
Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 01-212
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Tel. +49 6131 17-7631