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Scientific Writing Online "Shortie": The Results Section

Course Objective:

The results section is the heart of your work where you tell your readers what you found. Your main goal is to present your results of the experiments described in the methods section and draw attention to the most important ones, i.e. put them in the strongest power position. Moreover, you should strive to make this section as clear, well-organised and uncluttered as possible so that the reader can see the forest for the trees and understand your results.

In this webinar, we will look at the content and basic structure/storyline of the results section and various language-related aspects.

Feedback is one of the best learning experiences: Participants of Module 2 will be given individual feedback on their texts in order to strengthen their future proposals.


Module 1a: The Results Section (1 hour)

  • Content and Organization
  • Using topic sentences to give an overview
  • Verb tense
  • Making comparisons
  • Referring to tables and figures
  • The importance of choosing precise words
  • Phrasebank of useful language

 Module 1b: Language and style: Writing clearly and concisely (1 hour)

  • Paragraph structure: forest followed by trees
  • Writing short, concise sentences
  • Improving word order
  • Internet resources

Module 2: Feedback (1 hour)

  • The group and trainer provide feedback on texts

It is possible to participate in Module 1 only.

Target audience:
Doctoral students and clinician scientists

Maximum number of participants: unlimited for Modules 1a and b, 3-4 participants per group for Module 2, max. 6 groups

Methodology: Input by trainer, Q&A, writing and editing own text, feedback.


Module 1a and b: come prepared with questions on the topic

Module 2: write (part of) a results section (1/2-1 page A4). Your text will be proofread/edited by two/three other students and the trainer and discussed in the session.

Please check that your PC meets the requirements beforehand (microphone, camera, Internet connection).  

Next workshop: to be announced

For module 1 0.3 CP and for both modules 1 CP for transferable skills training can be credited.


Ivonne Dietzel
Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 01-212
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Tel. +49 6131 17-7631