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Doctoral Candidates


Najla Abassi


Marta Agacinska 

Topic: New mechanisms of mCMV immune evasion and its control by cellular factors

TP11 Distler/Lemmermann


Klajdi Begaj (MD)

Topic: In vitro und in vivo Testungen von Makrophagen-repolarisierender siRNA zur Therapie der Leberfibrose und des HCC

TP08 Schuppan/Deppermann


Tobias Bexte (MD)

Topic: Entwicklung einer CAR-NK-Zell Therapie gegen Leukämie

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn


Nabil Boui

Speaker of the IRTG doctoral candidates

Topic: Deciphering the role of cAMP response element driven gene regulation in tumor-associated macrophage polarization and function

TP01 Bopp/Schmitt


Helena Maria Brüning (MD)

Topic: The role of protein kinase CK2 in dendritic cells in anti tumor immunity

TP01 Bopp


Leon Buchinger (MD)

Topic: NK-Zelltherapie von malignen hämatologischen Erkrankungen

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn


Martina Casari

Topic: Macrophages and platelets modulation in hepatocellular carcinoma and infection

TP08 Schuppan/Deppermann


David Charalambous (MD)

Topic: Optimierung der Expansion und Funktionalität humaner Tumorantigen-spezifischer T-Zellen durch eine neuartige granulozytär-vermittelte Hyperaktivierung

TP06: Munder/Theobald


Maximilian Engelberg (MD)

Topic: Synergistische Effekte physikochemischer Parameter des Tumormikromilieus auf das Verhalten tumorassoziierter Fibroblasten

TP13 Probst/Schild

Francis Engelhardt (MD)

Topic: Der Einfluss von SAMHD1 auf die Entstehung, Progression und das Tumormikromilieu von Glioblastomen

TP09 Schmidt/Zipp


Ann-Katrin Gebel 

Topic: Charakterisierung einer neuartigen Hyperaktivierung humaner T-Zellen durch neutrophile Granulozyten

TP06 Munder/Theobald


Fenja Gierschek

Topic: Generation of non-virally engineered chimeric antigen receptor-modified natural killer cells against leukemia

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn


Mona Grans

Topic: Signals inducing type-I interferons production in the immunological steady state

TP13 Probst/Schild


Kristin Grunz

Topic: Endosomal TLR Signaling and monocyte function

TP02 Beling/Ruf


Alva Hayungs (MD)

Topic: Studien zu den biochemischen Grundlagen der Hyperaktivierung humaner T-Zellen durch neutrophile Granulozyten

TP06 Munder/Theobald


Sara Helbich

Topic: Tissue repair immune cells in murine infection and cancer models

TP19N Delacher/Marini


Valentina Caryn Evelyn Hendrawan (MD)

Topic: Exploring the role of TIM-3 as a potential novel therapy-induced AML immune evasion

TP06: Munder/Theobald

Lida Jalili (MD)

Topic: Optimierung der NK-Zell-Immuntherapie zur Behandlung des Chemotherapie-resistenten Rhabdomyosarkoms

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn

Moritz Jürgens (MD)

Topic: The NIKs role within CX3XR1+ macrophages during inflammation and cancer development in the gut

TP15 Stebut/Waisman


Anita Gabriele Kansy

Speaker of the IRTG doctoral candidates

Topic: Exploring TCR-cancerimmunotherapy in combination with metabolic Intervention for a preclinical model

TP09 Munder/Theobald 


Friederike Kirschner (MD)

Topic: Untersuchungen zur Zusammensetzung des Tumormikromilieus unter Betrachtung des Transkriptoms, Proteoms und Sekretoms ausgewählter Tumorzelllinien

TP13 Probst/Schild


Laura Klein

Topic: (Re)installing cancer immunity in pancreatic cancer and cancer of the upper GI tract

TP22: Türeci/Gaida


Josip Komso (MD)

Topic: Endothelial control of intestinal epithelial stem cell differentiation

TP15 Stebut/Waisman


Redouane Krini (MD)

Speaker of the IRTG medical doctoral candidates

Topic: Gezielte Beeinflussung von konvergierenden Mechanismen ineffizienter Immunität bei Tumorerkrankungen und chronischen Infektionen

TP08 Schuppan/Deppermann


Marie Kuhmann (MD)

Topic: Charakterisierung der epigenetischen Effekte der Menin-Inhibiton auf die Funktion von Immuneffektorzellen

(TP12 Ullrich/Kühn)

Simone Liebhäuser (MD)

Topic: Hyperaktivierung humaner T-Zellen durch Granulozyten bei Arginase-Hemmung: Analyse wichtiger Signaltransduktionswege

TP06 Munder/Theobald


Johanna Lossa

Topic: The role of type-I interferons in myeloproliferative neoplasms and chronic viral infections

TP21 Muth/Radsak


Sukrit Mahajan

Topic: Role of EGFL7 in immune evasion by malignant glioma

TP09 Schmidt/Zipp

Bishal Manandhar

Topic: Impact of SAMDH1 on the tumor microenvironment

TP04 König


Alina Moter

Topic: Understanding immune cellular processes for cancer immunotherapy with focus on (i) genetically engineered CAR-NK cells and (ii) SARS-CoV-2 vaccination responses in patients with multiple myeloma

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn


Philipp Münch

Topic: Mechanisms of IL-10 mediated tumor immune evasion in colorectal cancer development

TP20N Hövelmeyer/Clausen

Annekathrin Nedwed

Topic: Enhancing analysis and interpretation workflows for transcriptome data with an interactive R/Bioconductor toolkit

TP19N Delacher/Marini


Assel Nurbekova

Topic: Regulation of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV) immune evasion and transcriptional regulation of m152.

TP11 Distler/Lemmermann

Sven Pagel

Topic: Influence of F7 deletion in myeloid cells on tumor growth and antitumor immune response

TP10 Graf/Ruf


Katharina Paßkowski

Topic: "Identification and characterization of T cell receptor independently reactivated memory T cells in the context of virus infection"

TP13 Probst/Schild


Jennifer Pott

Topic: Impact of the endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) expressed by myeloid cells on tumor growth and immnunomodulation

TP10 Graf/Ruf


Carina Santos

Topic: Role of platelets in cancer metastasis

TP10 Graf/Ruf


Theresa Schaller

Topic: Targets and mediators of IL-17 mouse models of psoriasis and skin infection

TP15 Stebut/Waisman


Amelie Schwenger (MD)

Topic: Charakterisierung der Immunreaktionen bei Covid-19 Erkrankungen und nach Covid-19 Vakzinierung

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn


Dominik Siegl

Topic: Immunotherapies in HCC mouse models

TP08 Schuppan/Deppermann


Valeria Smirnov (MD)

Topic: Characterization of age and gender related differences in ILC subsets in healthy human skin

TP15 Stebut/Waisman

Charlotte Stadler (MD)

Topic: Monitoring immune modulating effects of targeted therapy in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors using a HLA-independent αβT-cell receptor melanoma model

TP13 Probst/Schild

Sophia Thul

Topic: improvement of CAR-NK cell therapy for patients with malignant diseases by (i) further optimizing the design of CAR constructs and (ii) the genetic engineering of CAR NK cells

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn


David Uhlfelder (MD)

Topic: Unraveling the role of IL-6 signaling in the preclinical model of Castleman disease

TP 15 Stebut/Waisman


Isabel Teresa Voit (MD)

Topic: Charakterisierung der NK-Zell-Immunantwort nach BA.4/.5-Vakzinierung immunsupprimierter PatientInnen

TP12 Ullrich/Kühn


Paul Warnke (MD)

Topic: Analyse der metabolischen Veränderung des Tumormikromilieus und der resultierenden Modellierung der Immunantwort unter dem Einfluss von EGFL7 im Gliom

TP09 Schmidt/Zipp


Project Leaders:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Bopp, Institute for Immunology

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn E. Clausen, Institute for Molecular Medicine


Ivonne Dietzel
Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed)