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Science Day 2024

  •  Date: September 11
  •  Venue: Big lecture hall, Building 505H, University Medical Center Mainz
  •  Program: tba

    The 10th SCIENCE DAY organized by the TransMed Graduate School of the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz showcased interdisciplinary research in both basic and translational medicine conducted at the JGU.

    We are pleased to welcome as speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Horst Schmidt-Böcking, Professor emeritus of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Anders, Editor-in-Chief of Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation & Renal Division, Department of Medicine IV, University Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Tüttenberg, CEO/CMO and Co-Founder of ActiTrexx GmbH & Professor at the Department of Dermatology, University Medical Center Mainz

    The annual meeting serves as a platform for young scientists to get exposed to some of the thought leaders from academia, industry, and publishing world. In this way, you have the chance to to learn, gain inspiration, and to explore collaborations.

    >> More information will follow soon!

We are very much looking forward to meeting you again at the next Science Day in 2024!

Best regards,

Julia Weinmann-Menke
Krishnaraj Rajalingam
Petra Schwarz

Registration for the TransMed Science Day 2024
