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Further regulations and insurance

  • FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellowship holders must follow the advices of their research group leader with respect to all rules of laboratory practice, to workplace behavior and to project-related duties.
  • Specific regulations regarding working hours and holidays applicable to "Tarifvertrag"-holders do not apply to holders of the FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellowship.
  • FTN/TransMed Fellowship Fellows have no teaching obligations.
  • If FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellows face severe problems fulfilling project requirements or communicating with their first mentor, they can contact the second mentor for assistance. Both sides may report the issue to the FTN Teaching Committee, which will subsequently inform the FTN Steering Committee
  • Pregnancy and parenthood:
    - The German regulations on work safety ("Arbeitsschutz") and maternity leave ("Mutterschutz") are mandatory. During maternity leave the German health insurance assumes financial responsibility.
    - All pregnant FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellows are required to inform their first mentor immediately about the exact dates of the maternity leave ("Mutterschutz").
    - FTN pays the monthly Fellowship during the period of maternity leave.
    - The FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellowship will be extended for the time of the maternity leave.
    - After giving birth, one of the parents can apply for parental leave ("Elternzeit") with a maximum duration of one year. The supervisor has to be informed about the dates and the contract will be extended accordingly (the FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellowship will not be paid during this period; any additional salary derived from taking another job position during the parental leave is limited to 450€/month)
  • Insurance:

    - By signing the FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellowship contract each Fellow confirms that FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellowship is not a regular working contract with the Univiersity Medical Center Mainz. Please note that the insurance within the FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellowship only covers accidents occuring within the laboratories of the University Medical Center Mainz.
    - IMPORTANT: Each FTN/TransMed Postdoc Fellow is responsible to organize health insurance, personal liability insurance ("Haftpflichtversicherung") etc. by him-/herself.


FTN/TransMed Fellowship Coordinator:

Sabine Tensing

University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Bldg. 907, Room 01-216

Tel +49 6131 17-7632