„Die Wirkung von Clowndoktoren auf Mitarbeitende allgemeinpädiatrischer Akutstationen: eine Erhebung mittels semistrukturierter Leitfadeninterviews – Entwicklungschancen und Zukunftspotential“
“Associations of screentime with body mass index and physical activity among adolescents in Germany – Cross sectional results from the CoMo study”
„Cigarette Smoking, Risky Alcohol Consumption, and Marijuana Smoking among University Students in Germany: Identification of Potential Sociodemographic and Study-Related Risk Groups and Predictors of Consumption“
„Differences in Work and Commuting Accidents between Employees and Students at Higher Education Insititutions in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, from December 2014 to December 2019“
„Predictor and subgroup analysis of somatic symptoms and emotional exhaustion among university students in Germany during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a longitudinal analysis“