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Curriculum Vitae

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kelsch
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Kelsch

Leitender Oberarzt

Leitung AG Systemische Neurowissenschaften


Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

06131 17 7336 (Direktionssekretariat)

06131 17-477336
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Positions and functions:

University training and degrees

2019 Habilitation in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Heidelberg University

2018 Master of Business Administration, Mannheim University

2016 Board Certification in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

2004 Doctoral degree „summa cum laude" (Dept. of Physiology), Heidelberg University

1999 – 2002 Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Neurosciences, Heidelberg University

1996 – 2003 Studies in Medicine, Medical Faculty Heidelberg of Heidelberg University, Paris 6, University College London


Postgraduate professional Career

2019 – Professor for Systemic Neuroscience and Lead Attending, Dept. Of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Mainz

2017 – 2019 Staff Psychiatrist and Group leader, Central Institute of Mental Health, Heidelberg University

2011 – 2017 DFG Emmy-Noether Research Group, Central Institute of Mental Health, Heidelberg University

2008 – 2010 Dept. of Clinical Neurobiology, German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University (Prof. Hannah Monyer)

2008 – 2016 Dept. of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health and Dept. of Neurology, UMM, Heidelberg University

2005 – 2008 Postdoctoral fellow, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA (Prof. Carlos Lois)

2004 – 2005 Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry, Munich (Prof. Florian Holsboer)


Other professional activities or honors  

2015 – 2018 Travel fellowship A.-v.-H. Foundation and Chinese Academy of Science

2014 – 2015 Chica and Heinz Schaller Fellowship

2008 – 2010 Fellowship of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg

2005 – 2008 Paul E. Newton Grant Fellowship

2004 – 2005 Fellowship Max Planck Society

1999 – 2003 Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes


Selected publications (10 best publications)

1. Oettl LL, Scheller M, Filosa C, Wieland S, Haag F, Loeb C, Durstewitz D, Shusterman R, Russo E, Kelsch W (2020) Phasic dopamine reinforces distinct striatal stimulus encoding in the olfactory tubercle driving dopaminergic reward prediction. Nat Comm 11:3460.

2. Clemm von Hohenberg C, Weber-Fahr W, Lebhardt P, Ravi N, Braun U, Gass N, Becker R, Sack M, Cosa Linan A, Gerchen MF, Reinwald JR, Oettl LL, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Vollmayr B, Kelsch W*, Sarto-rius A* (2018) Lateral habenula perturbation reduces default-mode network connectivity in a rat model of depression. Transl Psychiatry 8:68. (*shared last authorship)

3. Oettl LL, Ravi R, Schneider M, Scheller M, Schneider P, Mitre M, Froemke RC, Chao MV, Young WS, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Grinevich V, Shusterman, Kelsch W (2016) Oxytocin enhances social recognition by modulating cortical control of early olfactory processing. Neuron 90:609-21. (Preview: Ron Stoop (2016) Sniffing and Oxytocin: Effects on Olfactory Memories. Neuron 90:431-3)

4. Wieland S, Schindler S, Huber C, Köhr G, Oswald MJ, Kelsch W (2015) Phasic Dopamine Modifies Sensory-Driven Output of Striatal Neurons through Synaptic Plasticity. J Neurosci 35:9946-56.

5. Wieland S, Dan D, Oswald M, Parlato R, Köhr G, Kelsch W (2014) Phasic Dopaminergic activity exert fast control of cholinergic interneuron firing by sequential NMDA, D2 and D1 receptor activation. J Neu-rosci 34:11549-59.

6. Lin, CW, Sim S, Ainsworth A, Okada M, Kelsch W, Lois C (2010). Genetically increased cell-intrinsic excitability enhances neuronal integration into adult brain circuits. Neuron 65, 32–39.

7. Kelsch W, Sim S, Lois C (2010) Watching Synaptogenesis in the Adult Brain. Ann Rev Neurosci 33:131- 149.

8. Kelsch W, Lin CW, Lois C (2008) Sequential development of synapses in dendritic domains during adult neurogenesis. PNAS 105:16803-16808.

9. Kelsch W, Mosley CP, Lin CW, Lois C (2007) Distinct mammalian precursors are committed to generate neurons with defined dendritic projection patterns. PLoS Biol 5:1201-1212.

10. Kelsch W, Hormuzdi S, Straube E, Lewen A, Monyer H, Misgeld U (2001). Insulin-like growth factor 1 and a cytosolic tyrosine kinase activate chloride outward transport during maturation of hippocampal neu-rons. J Neurosci 21, 8339–8347.