Studium der Geschichtswissenschaft, Kunstgeschichte, Amerikanischen Geschichte und Medizingeschichte in Hamburg, Cincinnati (USA), Madison (USA) und Auckland (NZ)
gesamter Lebenslauf
Forschungsschwerpunkte | research interests
History of public health and prevention (19-20th century)
Cultural and social history of sexuality and STIs (19-20th century)
Aging and gender
Historical epistemology of body concepts and representations
Cultures of knowledge
Publikationen | publications
Kampf, A. & Göksu, A. Perceptions of Risk and Preventative Strategies with Respect to Cardiovascular Diseases in People of Turkish Migrant Background in Germany: Findings of a Pilot Study, Critical Public Health.
Kampf, A. (2012) Tales of Healthy Tales of Healthy Men? Male reproductive bodies in biomedicine from ‘Lebensborn’ to Sperm Bank, Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine.
Kampf, A., Marshall, B.L., Petersen, A. (eds.) (in press) Aging Men, Masculinities and Modern Medicine. New York, London: Routledge.
Kampf, A. (2010) „The risk of age“? Early detection test, prostate cancer and practices of self. Journal of Aging Studies 24,4:325-334.