Publikationen - Antje Kampf (PhD Auckland, M.A. Cincinnati)
Kampf, A. (2007) Mapping Out the Venereal Wilderness: Public Health and STD in New Zealand, 1920-1980. Berlin: Lit-Verlag.
Rezensiert: New Zealand Journal of History 42, 1 (2008), 110-111. Barbara Brookes, Social History of Medicine 22, 1 (2009), 181-183. Janet McCalman, Med Hist. April, 55, 2 (2011), 269-270. Realene Frances, Journal of the History of Sexuality January, 21,1 (2012), 173-175.
Herausgeberschaften (Buch/Special issue)
Kampf, A., Marshall, B.L., Petersen, A. (eds.) (2012) Aging Men, Masculinities and Modern Medicine. New York: Routledge.
Rezensiert: Gareth Terry, Sociology of Health and Illness 2013 35(5): 794-795.
Kampf, A., and Botelho, L. (eds.) (2009) Anti-aging and biomedicine: Critical studies on the pursuit of maintaining, revitalizing and enhancing aging bodies. Medicine Studies: An International Journal for History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine & Allied Sciences 1, 3. DOI 10.1007/s12376-009-0021-9 online first
3. Buchbeiträge
Madaràsz-Lebenhagen, J. & Kampf, A., (in press) Prävention in den beiden deutschen Staaten, 1949-2000: Geschlechterbilder im Umgang mit chronischen Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislaufsystems, in Grashoff, U., Brunner, D. (Hrsg.) Asymmetrisch Verflochten. Neue Forschungen zur gesamtdeutschen Nachkriegsgeschichte. Leipzig: Christoph Links Verlag, 146-163.
Kampf, A. (2009) The absence of Adam: prostate cancer and male identity. In: Powell, J. Gilbert, T. (eds). Aging and Identity: A Postmodern Dialogue. Nova Science Publishers: New York, 29-43
4. Zeitschriftenaufsätze
Leibing, A. & Kampf, A. (2013) Neither body nor brain: Comparing preventive attitudes towards prostate cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, Body & Society. Society doi: 10.1177/1357034X13477163.
Kampf, A. & Göksu, A. (2013) Perceptions of Risk and Preventative Strategies with Respect to Cardiovascular Diseases in People of Turkish Migrant Background in Germany: Findings of a Pilot Study, Critical Public Health. doi: 10.1080/09581596.2013.768332.
Kampf, A. (2013) Tales of Healthy Men? Male reproductive bodies in biomedicine from "Lebensborn" to Sperm Bank, Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. 17,1:20-26.
5. Buchrezensionen und sonstige Veröffentlichungen
Kampf, A. (2011) Review of: Susanne Hoffmann (2010) Gesunder Alltag im 20. Jahrhundert? Geschlechterspezifische Diskurse und gesundheitsrelevante Verhaltensstile im deutschsprachigen Ländern, In: Social History of Medicine 24,3:824-25.
Kampf, A. (2010) Review of: Alison Kirkman and Pat Moloney eds (2007). Sexuality Down Under: Social and Historical Perspectives , In: Journal of the History of Sexuality 19, 1: 170-173.
Kampf, A. (2009) Review of: Nicole Karafyllis and Gotlind Ulshöfer eds. (2008) Sexualised Brains, In: Medicine Studies: An International Journal for History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine & Allied Sciences 1, 4: 407-408.
Kampf, A. (2006)Report on the conference on ‘Men, Women, and Medicine: A New View of the Biology of Sex/Gender Differences and Aging’ held in Berlin, 24-26th February 2006. In: Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine1, 11. DOI: 10.1186/1747-5341-1-11