Vorträge - Prof. Antje Kampf (PhD Auckland, MA Cincinnati)
Juniorprofessorin für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Gender-Aspekten
- 24.-26.08.2010
Uncertain certainties: represetations of androgen-deprivation therapy and the male body, 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop "Communication and Information in Pharmacy", Lisboa, Portugal - 15.-17.06.2010
Prostate matters: health promotion and the enactment of cancer, International Conference on the Future of Medical History, Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, UCL, U. K. - 07.-09.05.2010
A historical epistemiology of male reproduction in biomedicine, 1945-2000, 1st Workshop, Network Economies of Reproduction, Humboldt Universität zu Bonn - 24.-4.2010
Prostate matters: mobile models, male bodies and the enactment of cancer, gender, bodies & Technology; International Conference of the Women's and Gender Studies Programme, Virginia Tech, Roanoke, West Virginia, USA (read in absence/Eyjafjallajkull's eruption)
- 10.10.2009
From a million to one – „natural“ male reproduction and the biomedical technology of sperm, Why Gender? International Conference, University of Jyväskylä, Finland - 25.09.2009
Multiple Bodies: Configurations of prostate cancer, functionality, and embodiment, International Conference of the Society for Medical Anthropology of the American Anthropological Assocation, Yale University, USA - 23.09.2009
Multiple Bodies: Configurations of prostate cancer, functionality, and embodiment, Conférence scientifique du MÉOS (Médicament comme objet social), Université de Montréal, Canada (invited) - 02.09.2009
Between numbers and cells: Prostate-specific antigen test (PSA) and the transformation of male bodies, CRESC ‘Objects - What Matters? Technology, Value and Social Change’ conference, University of Manchester, U.K. - 03.02.2009
Wissensproduktion, Praktiken, Verkörperung: Zur Geschichte des Mannes in der Fortpflanzung, Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin, RWTH Aachen.
- 26.09.2008
Ageing Male Bodies: Prostate Cancer, Medical Culture and Sexuality; Interdisciplinary Conference Reconstructing the aging body: Western medical cultures and gender 1600-2000, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - 03.-05.09.2008
Who Cares? Governmentality and prostate cancer Annual Conference Society for the Social History of Medicine, Glasgow, U.K. - 09.-11.06.2008
Private Matters? Männliche Infertilität in Nachkriegsdeutschland, Tagung Medizin und Gesellschaft in Westdeutschland, ca. 1945-1970, Universität Bonn - 05.-06.07.2008
Private Matters: Negotiating male infertility in Postwar Germany, South Wales and South West England Women’s History Network and the Centre for Medical History: Gender, Health and Medicine in Historical Perspective University of Exeter - 15.05.2008
Twice the absence of Adam: considering the history of male reproduction; International Conference What is Masculinity, Birkbeck College, London, U.K.
- 30.11.2007
Zur Materialität von Männerkörpern: Medizingeschichte und männliche Reproduktion; Workshop Historische Kulturwissenschaften, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - 11.10.2007
The absence of male genital cancer: Paradigms of knowledge of gender and medicine reconsidered; Ways of Knowing, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Study of Sciences, Montreal, Canada - 29.08.2007
‘Other’ Manly meanings: male urologists and male patients in twentieth century Germany; International Conference on Masculinity and the Other, Balliol College, Oxford, U.K. - 11.07.2007
Tales of Healthy Men: From Lebensborn to Semenbanks; 6th Global Conference on Making Sense of Health, Illness and Disease, Mansfield College, Oxford, U.K. - 28.03.2007
De(re)constructing the male body: gender and medical culture; First International Conference on Body and Textuality. Telling Bodies: Practices, Discourses, Looks, Autonomous University Barcelona, Spain
- 23.06.2006
„A little world of your own“: Singleness, gender and contact tracing venereal disease cases in twentieth-century New Zealand; West of England and South Wales Women’s History Network 12th Annual Conference, Bristol, U.K (read in absence) - 04.05.2006
Die Kontrolle der männlichen Sexualität: Geschlechtskrankheiten im Neuseeländischen medizin-militärischen Debatte im II. Weltkrieg; 25. Fortbildungsseminar, Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, Stuttgart
- 27.09.2005
Of gender, class, age and race: The social meaning of 'at-risk' groups in the venereal disease debate in New Zealand, 1960-1980; Department of Population Health. The University of Auckland (NZ)
- 27.09.2003
Venereal Disease and the Military in WWI; Conference Day. Department of History. The University of Auckland (NZ)
- 21.09.2002
The Medical Profession and Public Health: Facing Venereal Disease in the Interwar Period New Zealand; Conference Day. Department of History. The University of Auckland (NZ)
- 22.09.2001
The History of STDs in New Zealand 1920-1970; Conference Day. Department of History. The University of Auckland (NZ)