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Upcoming Events

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FZI Seminar: "Dendritic cell subpopulations in mouse and man"

Veranstalter: Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)

    Prof. Dr. Diana Dudziak is head of the Laboratory of DC-Biology, an Emmy-Noether and BayGene Research Group at the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Erlangen. Her main research interest lies on the biology of dendritic cells, in dendritic cell subpopulations, in T cell subpopulations, in immunity and tolerance and in tumor escape mechanisms.

    After the seminar we present you a wine tasting by the Weingut am Königsstuhl (family Weitzel).

    Short CV of Prof. Dudziak

    Abitur, Erfurt ?
    1993 – 1995?    
    Study of biology (Vordiplom), University of Bayreuth ?
    1995 – 1999?    
    Study of molecular biology, genetic und immunology (Diplom in biology), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg ?
    1999 – 2002?   
    PhD in molecular biology and immunology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and institute for clinical molecular biology and tumor genetic, Helmholtz-Center Munich (GSF) ?
    2002 – 2004?   
    Postdoc, Institute for clinical molecular biology and tumor genetic, Helmholtz-Zentrum Munich (GSF) ?
    2004 – 2007?   
    Postdoc, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA ?
    2008 – 2010?   
    W1-Juniorprofessor for biology of dendritic cells, Department for Dermatology and Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Zentrum for Molecular Medicine, University Hospital Erlangen ?
    Seit 2010?   
    W2-Professor for biology of dendritic cells, Department for Dermatology and Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Zentrum for Molecular Medicine, University Hospital Erlangen

Datum 16.07.2015
Uhrzeit 17:15-18:15 Uhr

UMC, Building 706, Lecture Hall


scientists and physicians

Fortbildungspunkte 1 point Ärztekammer Rheinhessen, 0.1 CP TransMed
Dozent Diana Dudziak, Erlangen

Doreen Nothmann
Scientific Coordinator
Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI)

of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Institute for Immunology
Research Center for Immunotherapy
Langenbeckstrasse 1
Building 708
D-55131 Mainz


Phone:     +49 6131 17 8114
Fax:     +49 6131 17 6202
E-Mail:     nothmann@uni-mainz.de



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