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Quantifying the Synaptic Proteome

The flow of information in the central nervous system is critically shaped by the molecular architecture of synapses, which contain a vast protein machinery that determines the properties of synaptic transmission. Alterations in the synaptic proteome have been linked to a wide range of neurological and psychiatric disorders, and quantifying such changes is therefore essential for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders. However, this process is rendered challenging by to a number of factors, including the generally subtle nature of the molecular alterations, the diversity of synapse subtypes, and technical limitations in accurately identifying the synaptic protein machinery. In this two-day workshop, we will discuss biochemical, imaging, and proteomic methodologies for the study of synaptic proteins, as well as exploring analysis strategies that facilitate the quantification of subtle or synapse-specific molecular changes. In addition, we will demonstrate procedures to isolate the postsynaptic density as well as immunohistochemical and imaging approaches toward quantifying the synaptic proteome. Overall, this workshop will assist students in designing their own experiments to quantify the synaptic proteome, as well as enabling them to better evaluate the relevant literature.

Lecturer: Prof. Dilja Krueger-Burg, Institute of Anatomy, University Medical Center Mainz

Target audience: Doctoral students, postdocs, and clinician scientists

Maximum number of participants: 8

Next workshop: TBA

Venue: Institute of Anatomy, Biomedizinisches Forschungszentrum (BFZ), Duesbergweg 6, Room 00.321, JGU Mainz

Registration Deadline: TBA

For the workshop, 1.8 CP for scientific skills training can be credited.


Ivonne Dietzel
Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 01-212
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Tel. +49 6131 17-7631