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The TransMed Curriculum

JGU Mainz offers several graduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of biomedicine, including master and PhD programs as well as DFG research training groups. Since courses that cover overlapping topics and teaching modules of one curriculum may also be of interest for students in another program, TransMed integrates and coordinates these programs, thus providing a common umbrella structure for biomedical education in Mainz.

The TransMed Training Program consists of

Credit points:

180 Credit points are required to obtain the TransMed Certificate:

  • 150 CP for the research work (thesis; 36 months)
  • 20 CP for technical training and interdisciplinary education
  • 10 CP for multidisciplinary skills (including transferable skills)

0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance and 1 CP equals to one day of training.

The TransMed qualification program is highly flexible, courses of other institutions are also acknowledged.

The doctoral candidates are required to collect the certificates of attendance and to prove that they have achieved the required total amount of credit points before submitting their dissertation.

>> Template for listing credit points

>> Template for Certificates of Attendance (Pdf, 90,3 KB)
You may use this form for seminars, for which you do not receive an individual certificate.



Mailing address:

University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Office address:

Dr. Petra M. Schwarz
Managing Director
Bldg. 907, Room 01-214

Tel +49 6131 17-9149