The University Medical Center Mainz (UMC) aims to promote the active initiation and participation in academia-driven clinical trials. Therefore, the UMC has established a fellowship program to increase the attractiveness of clinical research for young excellent physicians, establish career perspectives, amplify the visibility of the UMC, and ultimately translate this knowledge into advances in patient care.
The Steering Group for Clinical Trials at the UMC therefore invites applications for
Clinical Research Fellowships (TV-Ärzte UM Mainz, Ä1, 100%).
Deadline for the submission of the application is June 2, 2024.
Please note that the program is not open for medical students and/or for the conduct of a medical (“ / Dr. med. dent.”) thesis, or equivalent work in the context of other studies (e.g. any Master theses), or work intended for a PhD thesis within another program of the UMC. The program is also not open for postdoctoral qualification (e.g., “Habilitation”).
Call for application (Pdf , 128,9 KB)
Application form (Word , 26,3 KB)
Further information on the call for application:
The fellowship is primarily intended to generate sufficient time resources to conduct the research project. Therefore, the fellowship does cover the costs during the fellowship period for the salary of the applicant up to a maximum to Ä1/5 or equivalent, but not higher than the individual costs of the named fellow.
The fellowship does not cover costs for materials, trainings, fees, travels or technical equipment.
Publication fees, directly resulting from the funded project, may be covered upon request (at least category C and publication in PubMed/Medline required)
The fellowship is considered a time-limited kick-start support for clinical research projects. In general, applicants can apply for a 3 or 6 months funding period. A maximum of 9 months may be granted, but a detailed description needs to be given in the application if a longer period is required.
After the successful completion of a project for which the applicant had received a fellowship by this program at an early phase, subsequent funding can be granted (limited to 3 months) for analysis of data, summary of the results or preparation of manuscript.
Development of a successful scientific career requires mentorship by an experienced researcher. As this program is intended to leverage the promotion of large-scale academic clinical research projects, typically of long duration, the application should be accompanied by a letter of intent by the applicant’s mentor. This statement must include a critical appraisal of the application and a self-commitment of the mentor to supervise the entire project. Furthermore, the mentor should address how the research fits into and widens the current research program and how long-term sustainability can be assured.
Additional mentorship by central institutions of the UMC will be provided if required for the conduct of the work, examples being statistical advice by the IMBEI or advice on project organization and management by the IZKS. Applicants may declare their need for support in their application.
Each application will be evaluated by at least two reviewers using the scoring system. The total score will be the average of the reviews.
This scoring will consider multiple factors, as adequacy of the applicant, quality and novelty of the project and support by the applicant’s institution.
>> Report Template (Word , 41,1 KB)
(to be handed in at the end of the funding period and after an additional 1.5 years)