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Your Entrepreneurial Career

Get to know entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship as alternative paths to your academic career. Reflect on possible motivations, worries and assumptions surrounding both options and meet two role models who tell their stories of founding a startup and becoming a corporate sciencepreneur.

This online workshop takes place in cooperation with the Young Entrepreneurs in Science and the Falling Walls Foundation.

Young Entrepreneurs in Science is an interactive workshop programme for Early Career Scientists to help you ignite your entrepreneurial spirit! Together with your peers, you will learn methods and skills to realise your innovative potential.


  • Get to know the key ingredients of a successful pitch
  • Develop your own pitch with a convincing storyline
  • Practise your presentation skills in front of an audience
  • Receive valuable feedback to improve your pitch further
  • Get to know the concept of entre- and intrapreneurship
  • Reflect on your own potential entrepreneurial journey
  • Exchange with role models

Methodology: Interactive online workshop

Target audience: Early Career Scientists of all disciplines

Maximum number of participants: 25

Next Workshop: TBA

CPs: 0.3 TransMed CPs for transferable skills


Ivonne Dietzel
Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 01-212
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Tel. +49 6131 17-7631