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Scientific Writing I: The Basics (Online)

Course Objective:

This workshop will provide participants with an introduction to scientific writing, including helpful input on the language used, the potential pitfalls and strategies for editing texts.

All participants will be given individual feedback and will therefore leave the workshop with a better awareness of their strengths and weaknesses.


  • Defining scientific writing (do’s and don’ts)
  • Structure and content of a research paper
  • Avoiding plagiarism: paraphrasing, summarising
  • Writing effective sentences
  • Paragraph structure
  • The language used in the different sections of a paper (phrasebank)
  • Common language errors and potential pitfalls
  • Editing and improving your own texts
  • Peer-editing

Target audience:
TransMed's doctoral students and clinician scientists with limited experience in scientific writing in English.

Maximum number of participants: 12

Input by trainer, practical writing exercises, working on and editing own texts, discussions, feedback from other participants and trainer.

The workshop includes preparation work: Please write a scientific text (approx. 1 A4 page) before and bring it to the workshop. 

Next Workshops:

Technology: Zoom

For the workshop, 1 CP for transferable skills training can be credited.













Ivonne Dietzel
Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 01-212
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Tel. +49 6131 17-7631