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Good Research Practice for (Post)Doctoral researchers

Course description:

The workshop serves to prevent conflicts in scientific working as well as their treatment.

The following methods are used: dialogic short presentations, participant-specific case studies, targeted invidual and group work, discussions and reflections


  • Basics of responsible conduct and professional ethos of a researcher
    •  Introduction: Research, ethical principles and ethos
    • Basic (inter-)national recommendations and regulations for safeguarding good research practice and research integrity
    • Research misconduct: Examples, elements of offense, reasons and consequences (incl. excursus on plagiarism and copyright) 
  • General Responsibilities
    • Quality Management, research design and documentation/archiving
    • Publication process, authorship and review of manuscripts
    • Supervision: Expectations, duties and roles
    • Organizational culture: Collaboration, communication, prevention in dealing with conflict
    • Procedures in case of suspicion and relevant contact points
  • Important specific responsibilities [*depending on participants’ disciplinary/research background]
    • Important prior to any data collection: Authorization or permission relevant research
    • [Research on animals]*
    • [Research on humans]*
    • [Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security issues of personal data in research]*

Target audience: TransMed's biomedical doctoral candidates, clinician scientists, and postdocs (if possible at an early stage of the research career). The workshop is mandatory for all these TransMed members!

The workshop about Good Research Practice for Medical Doctoral Candidates is to be found here.

Number of participants: Max. 24 participants

Next wokshops: anticipated in 2025, to be announced

For the workshop, 1 CP for scientific skills can be credited. 


Ivonne Dietzel
Program Coordinator
Bldg. 907, Room 01-212
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Tel. +49 6131 17-7631