Hands-On Strategies in Career Crafting
Workshop Description:For a successful career it is a prerequisite to develop your individual strategy pro-actively and as early as possible. Although the routine of your daily work usually keeps you from pausing for a moment, it is pivotal to set some time apart for exploring your individual professional profile and for being able to plan each of your career moves in a conscious way. Being aware of your personal skills, competencies, and values is essential for defining and achieving your goals, making informed decisions and exhausting your full potential.
In this workshop, you will get relevant information about strategic career development.
Workshop Goals:- PreWork: Identification of biographical key moments related to your career – Creating a life profile
- Module I: Compilation of your individual skill profile (professional, methodological, social and personal) and of your personal value profile
- InbetweenWork I: Completing your skill and value profiles
- Module II: From values to career motivation, discussion of structural barriers and compatibility challenges in academia, identification of career alternatives to a professorship, such as scientific management and professional fields outside of science (general overview)
- InbetweenWork II: Developing a vision about your future Options
- Module III: Feedback regarding your personal vision, plan A/plan B strategy & collecting concrete ideas how to move on towards your career goals
Methods & Approaches:- Blended-Learning-Approach: Alternating asynchronous and synchronous working modules
- Group Coaching & one-on-one coaching elements
- Self-reflection & feedback
- Interactive exercises & exchange, small group work (in breakout rooms)
- Transferring theory into practice by reflection on your own behavior
- Receiving ideas and feedback vis-à-vis building your career
Target Audience: Biomedical doctoral candidates at a later stage. B2-Knowledge of English is required.
Maximum Number of Participants: 12
Next Workshop: To be announced
Registration Deadline: To be announced
Venue: To be announced
For the workshop,
2 CP for transferable skills training can be credited.