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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all upcoming events, such as talks, transferable skills courses, or lab courses.

All listed events carry a number of TransMed credit points corresponding to the time of attendance. 0.1 TransMed credit point is equivalent to 45 minutes of attendance.


MSU Seminar Series: "Pyroptosis in innate immunity - sensing and excecution"

Veranstalter: Molecular Signaling Unit at the FZI


    Dr. Shao is an eminent immunologist and has made  important contributions to our current understanding of host-pathogen interactions, especially, and most recent, towards the understanding of inflammasomes. His recent articles published in "Nature" revealed one of the first substrates of inflammatory caspases and elegantly demonstrated the mechanisms by which Gasdermin (the caspase-cleaved fragment which constitutes the  N-terminus) contributes to to the formation of pores during pyroptosis to release Interleukin 1 beta  and IL-18. 




    He has recently been elected as an EMBO member and he is also a HHMI international investigator 

    To learn more about Dr. Shao and his research please follow the links below:


    For his recent interview in JCB:


    We encourage especially young scientists and students to use this unique opportunity to meet  and interact with one of the  prominent leaders in the field of immunology at our doorsteps.

    Additionally, there are also  few slots available on the 29th of June to talk to Dr. Shao in person.

    If you are interested in a personal appointment, please contact Dr. Inga Melzer (contact info below) until the 28th of June. We hope to see many of you on the 29th and look forward to this special occasion!


Datum 29.06.2016
Uhrzeit 11:00 Uhr

Building 706, Lecture Hall

Fortbildungspunkte 0,1 CP TransMed
Dozent Dr. Feng Shao
National Institute for Biological Sciences
Beijng, China

Dr. Inga Melzer
Scientific Administrator
AG Rajalingam
Institute for Immunology
Building 708
Tel: +49 6131 17 8039



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