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Monthly payment and travel allowance

  • PhD candidates: 1,788 €; from January 2024: 2,030 €
  • Furthermore, the FTN/TransMed Fellow will receive an additional child allowance of 400 € (for the first child) and of 100 € (for each additional child).
  • Additionally, each FTN/TransMed Fellow receives funding for one (inter)national science conference/meeting (travel costs, registration, overnight stay) when presenting a poster/talk. The Fellow is advised to book discount travel fares and budget hotels only. Applications for refunding should be sent to the FTN Office at least four months in advance of the planned conference.


FTN/TransMed Fellowship Coordinator:

Sabine Tensing
University Medical Center
Langenbeckstr. 1
55131 Mainz

Bldg. 907, Room 01-216

Tel +49 6131 17-7632