Mandatory Training Elements
for biomedical doctoral candidates and clinician scientists (when released from clinical duties) of the IRTG:
- IRTG-Colloquium: All members present a progress report of their research work and discuss it within their peer group guided by the IRTG project leaders. Furthermore, the Principle Investigators (PIs) of the CRC present theoretical background information on their CRC-related research project, new publications, and clinical perspectives. The students also have access to information about technologies available within the CRC. >> More information
- IRTG-Retreat: During an annual retreat, for the most part organized by the members themselves, guest scientists and speakers from industry and publishers give presentations about relevant scientific and career topics. The members present their progress and share their professional experiences in small working groups as well as during networking sessions. >> More information
- CRC 1292 Retreat and International Scientific Meeting: During these CRC events, the PIs, doctoral candidates, and clinician scientists, present their research progress and discuss it among themselves. At the first and second international symposia of the CRC in 2019 and 2023, leading international scientists were invited to share their latest studies and findings. The doctoral candidates hosted the invited speakers and introduced them to the audience, thus enabling a close interaction with the guests.
- TAC-Meetings: The members and the Thesis Advisory Committee meet once a year to discuss the progress of the candidate's work.
- Seminar Series of the Research Center for Immunotherapy: In collaboration with the CRC, the University Center for Tumor Diseases (UCT) Mainz, the Molecular Signaling Unit (MSU), the Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI), and the RMU Research Cluster EMTHERA organize the "Mainz Seminars in Translational Science" (MASIT) and invite renowned guest scientists from the fields of immunology, immunotherapy, oncology, and related research areas. The IRTG members are encouraged to invite guest scientists themselves and to suggest topics and candidate speakers to the FZI coordinator.
- Literature Seminar: Once a month, three IRTG members present current scientific papers and discuss it with their peer group.
- "Mainzer SommerUni Immunologie und Biomedizin": The doctoral candidates and clinician scientists are actively engaged in this annual event in which local high school students are introduced to immunological and biomedical research. This allows the students to acquire early teaching and project management skills. Since the SommerUni had to be cancelled due to the corona pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the doctoral candidates created short videos explaining immunologic, oncologic and virologic topics to high school students and other public audiences.
- Workshop “Good Research Practice”: This workshop is offered by TransMed within its training program and is mandatory for all IRTG members in the first year. The workshop imparts fundamental values and rules of safeguarding good scientific practice and procedures when scientific misconduct is suspected. >> More information