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Optional Training Elements

All members of the IRTG can participate in the TransMed Training Program free of charge to improve both their scientific and transferable skills. In addition, there can be offered some specific courses for the doctoral candidates and clinician scientists if required.

The IRTG members can also participate in the following additional activities:

  • Seminar series on regulation of biomedical drugs: This seminar series is offered by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). Experienced drug regulators and scientists of the PEI train and focus on how regulatory agencies work in the field of approval and assessment of biomedical therapeutics.
  • Laboratory rotations and research internships: The members are offered to participate in laboratory rotations in the various groups of the CRC to learn new techniques required for their research and broad education. With the dedicated travel funds, research internships in (international) academic research groups outside the CRC or at (international) pharmaceutical companies are also possible. Alternatively, if more than one member wishes to acquire a certain technique, an expert guest scientist can be invited through IRTG funds to offer this practical teaching element to all members of the IRTG.
  • The members are involved in the public “Mainzer Wissenschaftsmarkt”, partly organized by the FZI.



Project Leaders:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Bopp, Institute for Immunology

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Björn E. Clausen, Institute for Molecular Medicine


Ivonne Dietzel
Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed)