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AG Guezguez, DKTK Cancer Immunotherapy Group

  • Arbeitsgruppenleiter:in: Dr. Borhane Guezguez 

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte:

    Research areas:
    Hematology, Leukemia, cancer stem cells, Tumor Micro-environment, Epigenetics, Metabolism


    Our research program is focused on dissecting how cancer hijacks stem cell processes and immune properties in normal and malignant hematopoiesis (myelodysplasia and acute myeloid leukemia). Of major interest is the signalling crosstalk between stromal cells, cancer stem cells and immune cells. To address this, we take a multidisciplinary approach grounded in studies using primary human cells, 3D cultures and leukemia mouse models and capitalize on functional screening of epigenetic/metabolic modulators and developing novel imaging techniques.
  • Fünf wichtigste Publikationen: 

    Guezguez B., Almakadi M., Benoit YD., Shapovalova Z., Rahmig S., Fiebig-Comyn M., Casado FL., Tanasijevic B., Bresolin S., Masetti R., Doble BW., Bhatia M. (2016) GSK3 Deficiencies in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Initiate Pre-neoplastic State that is Predictive of Clinical Outcomes of Human Acute Leukaemia. Cancer Cell. 29(1):61-74.

    Dingwall S, Lee J.B , Guezguez B, Collins TJ, Fiebig-Comyn A, McNicol J, Boreham D, Bhatia M. (2015) Neoplastic Human Embryonic Stem Cells as a Model of Radiation Resistance of Human Cancer Stem Cells. Oncotarget. 6(26):22258-69.

    Casado FL., Salci K., Shapovalova Z., Guezguez B, Collins T.J., Bhatia M. (2015) Expansion of Primary Human AML by Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Antagonism Minimally Affects Leukemic Transcriptional Profiles but Alters Cellular Metabolism. Journal of Hematology Research. 2(1): 9-16.

    Benoit Y.D*, Guezguez B*, Boyd A.L., Bhatia M. (2014) Epigenetic Modulation of Wnt/Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Signaling to Target Human Cancer Stem Cells. Clinical Cancer Research. 20(21):5372-8. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.)

    Guezguez B., Campbell C.J.V, Boyd A.L., Karanu F., Casado F.L., Di Cresce C., Collins T.J., Shapovalova Z., Xenocostas A., Bhatia M. (2013) Regional Localization within the Bone Marrow Influences the Functional Capacity of Human HSCs. Cell Stem Cell. 13(2):175-89.


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