Einsatz von 3-D Kollagenmatrizes als mögliche Alternative zu autologen Bindegewebstransplantaten bei Rezessionsdeckungen
Knochenersatzmaterialien in der regenerativen Parodontalchirurgie
Strukturelle, chemische und biologische Wertigkeit von Knochenersatzmaterialien
Biologische Wechselwirkung von Knochenersatzmaterialien und PDL-Fibroblasten
Parodontale Wundheilung
Minimalinvasive Parodontaltherapie
Adjuvante antimikrobielle Therapieverfahren in der Parodontologie
Fünf wichtigste Publikationen:
Schallhorn RA, McClain PK, Benhamou V, Doobrow JH, Grandin HM, Kasaj A. Application of enamel matrix derivative in conjunction with non-surgical therapy for treatment of moderate to severe periodontitis: A 12-month, randomized prospective, multicenter study. J Periodontol 2020; Sept. 29. doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0579.
Park JS, Pabst AM, Ackermann M, Moergel M, Jung J, Kasaj A. Biofunctionalization of porcine-derived collagen matrix using enamel matrix derivative and platelet-rich fibrin: influence on mature endothelial cell characteristics in vitro. Clin Oral Investig 2018; 22: 909-917.
Kasaj A, Levin L, Stratul SI, Götz H, Schlee M, Rütters CB, Konerding MA, Ackermann M, Willershausen B, Pabst AM. The influence of various rehydration protocols on biomechanical properties of different acellular tissue matrices. Clin Oral Investig 2016; 20: 1303-1315.
Kasaj A, Meister J, Lehmann K, Stratul S, Schlee M, Stein JM, Willershausen B, Schmidt M. The influence of enamel matrix derivative on the angiogenic activity of primary endothelial cells. J Periodontal Res 2012; 47: 479-489.
Kasaj A, Röhrig B, Zafiropoulos GG, Willershausen B. Clinical evaluation of nanocrystalline-hydroxyapatite paste in the treatment of human periodontal bony defects. A randomized controlled clinical trial. 6-month results. J Periodontol 2008; 79: 394-400.