Logo der Universitätsmedizin Mainz
AG Tomičić-Christmann, Institut für Toxikologie

  • Arbeitsgruppenleiter:in: PD Dr. Maja Tomičić-Christmann

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte:

    Zellantworten auf gentoxischen Stress (HGG, CRC)

    Inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (Survivin & c-IAP1/2) und Gegenspieler (XAF1)

    DNA-Reparatur / Seneszenz-Escape-vermittelte Zytostatika-Resistenz in Glioblastomen

    Epigenetische Regulation durch Methylierung

    2D-Zelllinien, 3D-Glioblastom-Organoid-Modell

    Primärtumore versus Rezidive

  • Fünf wichtigste Publikationen: 

    Aasland D et al. (2019) Temozolomide induces senescence and repression of DNA repair pathways in glioblastoma cells via activation of ATR-CHK1, p21, and NF-kappaB. Cancer Res 79, 99- 113.

    Tomicic MT et al. (2019) Functional mismatch repair and inactive p53 drive sensitization of colorectal cancer cells to irinotecan via the IAP antagonist BV6. ATOX 93, 2265-2277.

    Steigerwald C et al. (2018) Sensitization of colorectal cancer cells to irinotecan by the Survivin inhibitor LLP3 depends on XAF1 proficiency in the context of mutated p53. ATOX 92, 2645-2648.

    Reich TR et al. (2017) Epigenetic silencing of XAF1 in high-grade gliomas is associated with IDH1 status and improved clinical outcome. Oncotarget 8, 15071-15084.

    Tomicic MT et al. (2010) Topotecan triggers apoptosis in p53- deficient cells by forcing degradation of XIAP and survivin thereby activating caspase-3-mediated Bid cleavage. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 332, 316-325.


Sabine Tensing


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