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Abstract Writing in English

Dieser Online-Kurs ist zweiteilig:

  • Modul 1 - Abstract Writing & Language and style: Writing clearly and concisely
  • Modul 2 - Feedback

Termine im Sommersemester 2024:
Modul 1: Mittwoch, 18. September 2024, 9:30 - 12:00 Uhr sowie
Modul 2: Mittwoch, 25. September - Donnerstag, 26. September 2024 in Kleingruppen, jeweils 1,5 h*

* Modul 2 findet in Kleingruppen von 3-4 Personen statt, hierfür bitten wir Sie, sich die Tage vom 25.-26. September 2024 frei zu halten. Unsere Dozentin wird dann während des 1.Teils am 18. September 2024 mit Ihnen zusammen ein passendes Zeitfenster für den 2.Teil vereinbaren.

Die Anmeldung erfolgt über Jogustine. Sie erhalten für die Teilnahme 2 Leistungspunkte.

Course Objective

First impressions are important, which is why abstract writing is a key skill. A well-written abstract, in which you briefly communicate your purpose, approach and conclusions, will increase your chances of being published. It will also enable your readers to identify what the paper is about, judge how relevant it is to their interests and decide whether to read it. The main difficulty lies in providing the main story and a few essential details with only very few words. In this webinar, we will look at how to clearly and concisely summarise the major points of your research whilst maintaining continuity.


Module 1a: Abstract Writing (1 hour)

  • Content and organisation
  • Using language to signal topics
  • Ensuring continuity
  • Verb tenses / active vs. passive
  • Possible pitfalls


Module 1b: Language and style: Writing clearly and concisely (1 hour)

  • Structure: forest followed by trees
  • Writing short, concise sentences
  • Improving word order28.
  • Internet resources

 Module 2: Feedback (1.5 hour)

  • The group and trainer provide feedback on texts

Input by trainer, Q&A, writing and editing own text, feedback.

Module 1a and b: come prepared with questions on the topic
Module 2: write an abstract. Your text will be proofread/edited by a small group of colleagues and the trainer and discussed in the session.

Technology: zoom
Please check that your PC meets the requirements beforehand (microphone, camera, Internet connection).



Sabine Tensing


Tel +49 6131 17-7632