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Professur für Klinische Epidemiologie

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Wild
Leiter Klinische Epidemiologie


Die „Klinische Epidemiologie und Versorgungsforschung“ konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung von thrombotischen und thromboembolischen Erkrankungen, die von großer Bedeutung für das Gesundheitswesen und die Allgemeinbevölkerung sind. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei insbesondere die Interaktion zwischen den Systemen der Hämostase, Inflammation und Immunität und der Entstehung und dem Verlauf der kardiovaskulären Erkrankung.

Eine detaillierte Übersicht aller laufenden Projekte sowie Mitarbeiter der ‚Klinischen Epidemiologie’ finden Sie auf unseren Internetseiten www.unimedizin-mainz.de/pkmp/uebersicht.html.

In verschiedenen Kohortenstudien werden jeweils unterschiedliche Aspekte bestimmter Krankheitsgeschehen beleuchtet:

  • Gutenberg-Gesundheitsstudie
    Umfangreiche Untersuchungen zu Erkrankungen im Bereich der Thrombose und Hämostase; Identifizierung möglicher Interaktionen des hämostatischen Systems mit kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen sowie der Atherosklerose. www.gutenberg-gesundheitsstudie.de

  • VTEVAL-Studienprogramm
    Untersuchung thrombembolischer Ereignisse

  • thrombEVAL-Studienprogramm
    Untersuchung der medizinischen Versorgung von Patienten mit oralen Antikoagulantien; Bereitstellung von wissenschaftlichen Daten, die eine Identifizierung von Ansatzpunkten zur Optimierung der bestehenden Versorgung erlauben.

  • CVSS-Kohorte
    Untersuchung von Personen mit einer Krebserkrankung im Kindes- und Jugendalter

  • MyoVasc-Kohorte
    Kohortenstudie zur Erforschung der Herzinsuffizienz, ihrer unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen und deren Interaktionen mit anderen kardiovaskulären Krankheiten. Die Studie wird als IIT durchgeführt und durch Mittel des BMBF für das DZHK Zentrum Rhein Main, Standort Mainz sowie Gelder des Schwerpunktes Translationale Vaskuläre Biologie, der 2. Medizinischen Klinik und der Präventiven Kardiologie und Medizinischen Prävention der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitätsmedizin Mainz gefördert.

    Weitere Projekte befinden sich in der Planungs- und Aufbauphase.


Folgende Forschungsfragen stehen im Vordergrund:

  • Epidemiologie und Prävention von kardiovaskulären, insbesondere thrombotischen und thromboembolischen Erkrankungen
  • Epidemiologie der subklinischen kardiovaskulären Erkrankung
  • Interaktion zwischen Hämostase und dem Auftreten von kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen
  • Genetik kardiovaskulärer, insbesondere thrombotischen und thromboembolischer Erkrankungen
  • Identifikation von Risikofaktoren (inkl. Risikostratifizierung) von kardiovaskulären, insbesonderen thrombotischen und thromboembolischen Erkrankungen
  • Prognose sowie Erweiterung des Verständnisses der Pathophysiologie von Erkrankungen im Bereich Thrombose und Hämostase
  • Störungen der kardialen Struktur und Funktion


  • Einrichtungen der Unimedizin: Prof. C. Espinola-Klein, II. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Abt. Angiologie; Prof. K. Lackner, Institut für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin
  • Europäische Partner: Prof. H. ten Cate, Dr. H. Spronk, Maastricht University, NL; Prof. M. Roden, PD Dr. C. Herder, DDZ – Deutsches Diabetes Zentrum Düsseldorf, DE


  • DFG (CVSS)
  • BMBF DZHK (MyoVasc)
  • BMBF (CTH)
  • BMBF (MedSys-SARA)
  • EU BiomarCaRE www.biomarcare.eu
  • EU EuRhythDia www.eurhythdia.eu
  • ThrombEVAL:
    Gesundheitsministerium Rheinland-Pfalz, Wirtschaftsministerium Rheinland Pfalz
  • Industrieförderung (ThrombEVAL; Gutenberg-Gesundheitsstudie):
    - Bayer Vital GmbH
    - Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH
    - Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH
    - IMO Institut GmbH
    - Philips Deutschland GmbH
    - Portavita B.V.
    - Sanofi – Aventis Deutschland GmbH
  • Deutsche Herzstiftung (ThrombEVAL) www.herzstiftung.de

Team - Modul Klinische Epidemiologie

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Wild, M.Sc. thrombeval lungenembolie
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Wild, M.Sc. thrombeval lungenembolie

Präventive Kardiologie und Medizinische Prävention, Professur „Klinische Epidemiologie“, Koordinator Gutenberg-Gesundheitsstudie (GHS), Wissenschaftler im Deutschen Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung (DZHK)

 Astrid Hochgesand
Astrid Hochgesand

Assistenz Univ.-Prof. Philipp Wild/

Projektmanagement Personal, Controlling

06131 17-7439

06131 17-8460

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

Dr. Jürgen Prochaska
Dr. Jürgen Prochaska

Nachwuchsgruppenleiter und Oberarzt Zentrum für Kardiologie, Kardiologie I

Wissenschaftler im DZHK



06131 17-2594

Weitere Informationen

Datenmanagement / Statistik

 Heidrun Lamparter
Heidrun Lamparter

Wissenschaftliche Dokumentarin thrombEVAL, VTEval

06131 17-8373

06131 17-5691

Maren Paul

Med. Doktorandin


  • Unterrainer JM, Rahm B, Kaller CP, Wild PS, Münzel T, Blettner M, Lackner K, Pfeiffer N, Beutel ME. Assessing Planning Ability Across the Adult Life Span in a Large Population-Representative Sample: Reliability Estimates and Normative Data for the Tower of London (TOL-F) Task. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2019:1-10.
  • Trenkwalder T, Rübsamen N, Schmitt VH, Arnold N, Kaess BM, Sinning CR, Zeller T, Beutel ME, Schmidtmann I, Nickels S, Pfeiffer N, Leuschner A, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Hengstenberg C, Blankenberg S, Wild PS, Reinhard W, Schnabel R. Left ventricular geometry and function in early repolarization: results from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study. Clin Res Cardiol 2019.
  • Ten Cate V, Nagler M, Panova-Noeva M, Eggebrecht L, Arnold N, Lamparter H, Hermanns MI, Ten Cate H, Prins MH, Espinola-Klein C, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Wild PS, Prochaska JH. The diagnostic performance of renal function-adjusted D-dimer testing in individuals suspected of venous thromboembolism. Haematologica 2019.
  • Prochaska JH, Tröbs SO, Wild PS. PCSK9: A link between air pollution and cardiovascular disease? Eur J Prev Cardiol 2019;26(6):576-577.
  • Prochaska JH, Luther N, Brähler M, Schulz A, Hermanns MI, Lackner KJ, Espinola-Klein C, Münzel T, Wild PS, Becker C. Acute deep vein thrombosis suppresses peripheral T cell effector function. Br J Haematol 2019;184(5):847-850.
  • Panova-Noeva M, Neu MA, Eckerle S, Spix C, Schneider A, Schmidtmann I, Spronk HM, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Ten Cate H, Merzenich H, Faber J, Wild PS. Cardiovascular risk factors are important determinants of platelet-dependent thrombin generation in adult survivors of childhood cancer. Clin Res Cardiol 2019;108(4):438-447.
  • Panova-Noeva M, Eggebrecht L, Prochaska JH, Wild PS. Potential of Multidimensional, Large-scale Biodatabases to Elucidate Coagulation and Platelet Pathways as an Approach towards Precision Medicine in Thrombotic Disease. Hamostaseologie 2019.
  • Fiess A, Schuster AK, Nickels S, Urschitz MS, Elflein HM, Schulz A, Münzel T, Wild PS, Beutel ME, Schmidtmann I, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N. Association of Low Birth Weight With Altered Corneal Geometry and Axial Length in Adulthood in the German Gutenberg Health Study. JAMA Ophthalmol 2019.
  • Eggebrecht L, Prochaska JH, Tröbs SO, Schwuchow-Thonke S, Göbel S, Diestelmeier S, Schulz A, Arnold N, Panova-Noeva M, Koeck T, Rapp S, Gori T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Münzel T, Wild PS. Direct oral anticoagulants and vitamin K antagonists are linked to differential profiles of cardiac function and lipid metabolism. Clin Res Cardiol 2019.
  • Eggebrecht L, Nagler M, Göbel S, Lamparter H, Keller K, Wagner B, Panova-Noeva M, Ten Cate V, Bickel C, Lauterbach M, Espinola-Klein C, Hardt R, Münzel T, Prochaska JH, Wild PS. Relevance of Polypharmacy for Clinical Outcome in Patients Receiving Vitamin K Antagonists. J Am Geriatr Soc 2019;67(3):463-470.
  • Dörr M, Hamburg NM, Müller C, Smith NL, Gustafsson S, Lehtimäki T, Teumer A, Zeller T, Li X, Lind L, Raitakari OT, Völker U, Blankenberg S, McKnight B, Morris AP, Kähönen M, Lemaitre RN, Wild PS, Nauck M, Völzke H, Münzel T, Mitchell GF, Psaty BM, Lindgren CM, Larson MG, Felix SB, Ingelsson E, Lyytikäinen LP, Herrington D, Benjamin EJ, Schnabel RB. Common Genetic Variation in Relation to Brachial Vascular Dimensions and Flow-Mediated Vasodilation. Circ Genom Precis Med 2019;12(2):e002409.
  • Burghardt J, Klein E, Brähler E, Ernst M, Schneider A, Eckerle S, Neu MA, Wingerter A, Henninger N, Panova‐Noeva M, Prochaska J, Wild P, Beutel M, Faber J. Prevalence of mental distress among adult survivors of childhood cancer in Germany—Compared to the general population. Cancer Medicine 2019;8(4):1865-1874.
  • Börschel CS, Rübsamen N, Ojeda FM, Wild PS, Hoffmann BA, Prochaska JH, Gori T, Lackner KJ, Blankenberg S, Zeller T, Münzel T, Schnabel RB. Noninvasive peripheral vascular function and atrial fibrillation in the general population. J Hypertens 2019;37(5):928-934.
  • Beutel ME, Wiltink J, Ghaemi Kerahrodi J, Tibubos AN, Brähler E, Schulz A, Wild P, Münzel T, Lackner K, König J, Pfeiffer N, Michal M, Henning M. Somatic symptom load in men and women from middle to high age in the Gutenberg Health Study - association with psychosocial and somatic factors. Sci Rep 2019;9(1):4610.
  • van Setten J, Brody JA, Jamshidi Y [...] Wild PS, Zeller T [...] Isaacs A, Arking DE, Sotoodehnia N. PR interval genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies 50 loci associated with atrial and atrioventricular electrical activity. Nat Commun 2018;9(1):2904.
  • Trinchero A, Scheres LJJ, Prochaska JH, Ambaglio C, Wild PS, Middeldorp S, Konstantinides SV, Barco S. Sex-specific differences in the distal versus proximal presenting location of acute deep vein thrombosis. Thromb Res 2018;172:74-79.
  • Tibubos AN, Beutel ME, Schulz A, Klein EM, Brahler E, Michal M, Münzel T, Wild PS, Lackner K, Konig J, Pfeiffer N, Wiltink J. Is assessment of depression equivalent for migrants of different cultural backgrounds? Results from the German population-based Gutenberg Health Study (GHS). Depress Anxiety 2018;35(12):1178-1189.
  • Niekamp C, Atzler D, Ojeda FM, Sinning CR, Lackner KJ, Boger RH, Münzel T, Beutel ME, Schmidtmann I, Pfeiffer N, Leuschner A, Blankenberg S, Wild PS, Zeller T, Schwedhelm E, Schnabel RB. Cross-Sectional Associations between Homoarginine, Intermediate Phenotypes, and Atrial Fibrillation in the Community-The Gutenberg Health Study. Biomolecules 2018;8(3).
    Ligthart S, Vaez A, Vosa U [...] Wild PS [...] Snieder H, Dehghan A, Alizadeh BZ. Genome Analyses of >200,000 Individuals Identify 58 Loci for Chronic Inflammation and Highlight Pathways that Link Inflammation and Complex Disorders. Am J Hum Genet 2018;103(5):691-706.
  • Haase T, Müller C, Krause J, Rothemeier C, Stenzig J, Kunze S, Waldenberger M, Münzel T, Pfeiffer N, Wild PS, Michal M, Marini F, Karakas M, Lackner KJ, Blankenberg S, Zeller T. Novel DNA Methylation Sites Influence GPR15 Expression in Relation to Smoking. Biomolecules 2018;8(3).
  • Göbel S, Prochaska JH, Eggebrecht L, Schmitz R, Jünger C, Lamparter H, Nagler M, Keller K, Coldewey M, Tröbs SO, Diestelmeier S, Schwuchow-Thonke S, Bickel C, Lauterbach M, Lackner KJ, Cate HT, Münzel T, Hardt R, Wild PS. Management of Oral Anti-Coagulation in Patients with Heart Failure-Insights from the ThrombEVAL Study. Thromb Haemost 2018;118(11):1930-1939.
  • Falter T, Herold S, Weyer-Elberich V, Scheiner C, Schmitt V, von Auer C, Messmer X, Wild P, Lackner KJ, Lammle B, Scharrer I. Relapse Rate in Survivors of Acute Autoimmune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Treated with or without Rituximab. Thromb Haemost 2018;118(10):1743-1751.
  • Eggebrecht L, Prochaska JH, Schulz A, Arnold N, Jünger C, Gobel S, Laubert-Reh D, Binder H, Beutel ME, Pfeiffer N, Blankenberg S, Lackner KJ, Spronk HM, Ten Cate H, Münzel T, Wild PS. Intake of Vitamin K Antagonists and Worsening of Cardiac and Vascular Disease: Results From the Population-Based Gutenberg Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc 2018;7(17):e008650.
  • Eggebrecht L, Prochaska JH, Schleuter L, Nagler M, Hardt R, Schinzel H, Münzel T, Wild PS. [Physicians' Opinion on Health Care in Oral Anticoagulation]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2018;143(9):e76-e84.
  • Faber J, Wingerter A, Neu MA, Henninger N, Eckerle S, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Beutel ME, Blettner M, Rathmann W, Peters A, Meisinger C, Linkohr B, Neuhauser H, Kaatsch P, Spix C, Schneider A, Merzenich H, Panova-Noeva M, Prochaska JH, Wild PS. Burden of cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disease in childhood cancer survivors: data from the German CVSS-study. Eur Heart J 2018;39(17):1555-1562.
  • Herrmann WJ, Weikert C, Bergmann M, Boeing H, Katzke VA, Kaaks R, Tiller D, Greiser KH, Heier M, Meisinger C, Schmidt CO, Neuhauser H, Heidemann C, Jünger C, Wild PS, Schramm SH, Jöckel KH, Dörr M, Pischon T. [Assessing incident cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in epidemiological cohort studies in Germany]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 2018;61(4):420-431.
  • Höhn R, Nickels S, Schuster AK, Wild PS, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Schmidtmann I, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N. Prevalence of glaucoma in Germany: results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2018.
  • Kröller-Schön S, Daiber A, Steven S, Oelze M, Frenis K, Kalinovic S, Heimann A, Schmidt FP, Pinto A, Kvandova M, Vujacic-Mirski K, Filippou K, Dudek M, Bosmann M, Klein M, Bopp T, Hahad O, Wild PS, Frauenknecht K, Methner A, Schmidt ER, Rapp S, Mollnau H, Münzel T. Crucial role for Nox2 and sleep deprivation in aircraft noise-induced vascular and cerebral oxidative stress, inflammation, and gene regulation. Eur Heart J 2018.
  • Lamparter J, Schmidtmann I, Schuster AK, Siouli A, Wasielica-Poslednik J, Mirshahi A, Höhn R, Unterrainer J, Wild PS, Binder H, Lackner K, Beutel ME, Münzel T, Pfeiffer N, Hoffmann EM. Association of ocular, cardiovascular, morphometric and lifestyle parameters with retinal nerve fibre layer thickness. PLoS One 2018;13(5):e0197682.
  • Magnussen C, Ojeda FM, Wild PS, Sorensen N, Rostock T, Hoffmann BA, Prochaska J, Lackner KJ, Beutel ME, Blettner M, Pfeiffer N, Rzayeva N, Sinning CR, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Zeller T, Schnabel RB. Atrial Fibrillation Manifestations Risk Factors and Sex Differences in a Population-Based Cohort (From the Gutenberg Health Study). Am J Cardiol 2018;122(1):76-82.
  • Panova-Noeva M, Schulz A, Arnold N, Hermanns MI, Prochaska JH, Laubert-Reh D, Spronk HM, Blettner M, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS. Coagulation and inflammation in long-term cancer survivors: results from the adult population. J Thromb Haemost 2018;16(4):699-708.
  • Panova-Noeva M, Schulz A, Spronk HM, Beicht A, Laubert-Reh D, van Oerle R, Arnold N, Prochaska JH, Blettner M, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS. Clinical Determinants of Thrombin Generation Measured in Presence and Absence of Platelets-Results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Thromb Haemost 2018;118(5):873-882.
  • Parry BA, Chang AM, Schellong SM, House SL, Fermann GJ, Deadmon EK, Giordano NJ, Chang Y, Cohen J, Robak N, Singer AJ, Mulrow M, Reibling ET, Francis S, Griffin SM, Prochaska JH, Davis B, McNelis P, Delgado J, Kumpers P, Werner N, Gentile NT, Zeserson E, Wild PS, Limkakeng AT, Jr., Walters EL, LoVecchio F, Theodoro D, Hollander JE, Kabrhel C. International, multicenter evaluation of a new D-dimer assay for the exclusion of venous thromboembolism using standard and age-adjusted cut-offs. Thromb Res 2018;166:63-70.
  • Prochaska JH, Arnold N, Jünger C, Münzel T, Wild PS. [Prevention of cardiovascular diseases]. Herz 2018;43(1):87-100.
  • Prochaska JH, Göbel S, Nagler M, Knöpfler T, Eggebrecht L, Lamparter H, Panova-Noeva M, Keller K, Coldewey M, Bickel C, Lauterbach M, Hardt R, Espinola-Klein C, Ten Cate H, Rostock T, Münzel T, Wild PS. Sustained atrial fibrillation increases the risk of anticoagulation-related bleeding in heart failure. Clin Res Cardiol 2018.
  • Prochaska JH, Luther N, Brähler M, Schulz A, Hermanns MI, Lackner KJ, Espinola-Klein C, Münzel T, Wild PS, Becker C. Acute deep vein thrombosis suppresses peripheral T cell effector function. Br J Haematol 2018.
  • Prochaska JH, Wild PS. Traffic-associated air pollution as a risk factor for cancer in individuals with coronary artery disease. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2018:2047487318768942.
  • Rezapour J, Nickels S, Schuster AK, Michal M, Münzel T, Wild PS, Schmidtmann I, Lackner K, Schulz A, Pfeiffer N, Beutel ME. Prevalence of depression and anxiety among participants with glaucoma in a population-based cohort study: The Gutenberg Health Study. BMC Ophthalmol 2018;18(1):157.
  • Schuster AK, Pfeiffer N, Schulz A, Hoehn R, Ponto KA, Wild PS, Blettner M, Beutel ME, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Mirshahi A. Refractive, corneal, and ocular residual astigmatism: distribution in a German population and age dependency-the Gutenberg Health Study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2018;256(2):445-446.
  • Steven S, Dib M, Hausding M, Kashani F, Oelze M, Kröller-Schön S, Hanf A, Daub S, Roohani S, Gramlich Y, Lutgens E, Schulz E, Becker C, Lackner KJ, Kleinert H, Knosalla C, Niesler B, Wild PS, Münzel T, Daiber A. CD40L controls obesity-associated vascular inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction in high fat diet-treated and db/db mice. Cardiovasc Res 2018;114(2):312-323.
  • Unterrainer JM, Domschke K, Rahm B, Wiltink J, Schulz A, Pfeiffer N, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Wild PS, Beutel M. Subclinical levels of anxiety but not depression are associated with planning performance in a large population-based sample. Psychol Med 2018;48(1):168-174.
  • Wiltink J, Michal M, Jünger C, Münzel T, Wild PS, Lackner KJ, Blettner M, Pfeiffer N, Brähler E, Beutel ME. Associations between degree and sub-dimensions of depression and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in the community: results from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS). BMC Psychiatry 2018;18(1):114.
  • Beutel ME, Brähler E, Wiltink J, Michal M, Klein EM, Jünger C, Wild PS, Münzel T, Blettner M, Lackner K, Nickels S, Tibubos AN. Emotional and tangible social support in a German population-based sample: Development and validation of the Brief Social Support Scale (BS6). PLoS One 2017;12(10):e0186516.
  • Jagodzinski A, Neumann JT, Ojeda F, Sorensen NA, Wild P, Münzel T, Zeller T, Westermann D, Blankenberg S. Cardiovascular Biomarkers in Hypertensive Patients with Medical Treatment-Results from the Randomized TEAMSTA Protect I Trial. Clin Chem 2017;63(12):1877-1885.
  • Schuster AK, Pfeiffer N, Nickels S, Schulz A, Wild PS, Blettner M, Lackner K, Beutel ME, Münzel T, Vossmerbaeumer U. Steeper Iris Conicity Is Related to a Shallower Anterior Chamber: The Gutenberg Health Study. J Ophthalmol 2017;2017:2190347.
  • Braenne I, Willenborg C, Tragante V, Kessler T, Zeng L, Reiz B, Kleinecke M, von Ameln S, Willer CJ, Laakso M, Wild PS, Zeller T, Wallentin L, Franks PW, Salomaa V, Dehghan A, Meitinger T, Samani NJ, Asselbergs FW, Erdmann J et al. (2017) A genomic exploration identifies mechanisms that may explain adverse cardiovascular effects of COX-2 inhibitors. Scientific reports 7: 10252
  • Nickels S, Schuster AK, Singer S, Wild PS, Laubert-Reh D, Schulz A, Finger RP, Michal M, Beutel ME, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N (2017) The National Eye Institute 25-Item Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) - reference data from the German population-based Gutenberg Health Study (GHS). Health Qual Life Outcomes 15: 156
  • Zeller T, Schurmann C, Schramm K, Müller C, Kwon S, Wild PS, Teumer A, Herrington D, Schillert A, Iacoviello L, Kratzer A, Jagodzinski A, Karakas M, Ding J, Neumann JT, Kuulasmaa K, Gieger C, Kacprowski T, Schnabel RB, Roden M et al. (2017) Transcriptome-Wide Analysis Identifies Novel Associations With Blood Pressure. Hypertension 70: 743-750
  • Arnold N, Gori T, Schnabel RB, Schulz A, Prochaska JH, Zeller T, Binder H, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Espinola-Klein C, Lackner KJ, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Wild PS (2017) Relation between Arterial Stiffness and Markers of Inflammation and Hemostasis - Data from the Population-based Gutenberg Health Study. Scientific reports 7: 6346
  • Ponto KA, Werner DJ, Wiedemer L, Laubert-Reh D, Schuster AK, Nickels S, Höhn R, Schulz A, Binder H, Beutel M, Lackner KJ, Wild PS, Pfeiffer N, Mirshahi A (2017) Retinal vessel metrics: normative data and their use in systemic hypertension: results from the Gutenberg Health Study. J Hypertens 35: 1635-1645
  • Prochaska JH, Frank B, Nagler M, Lamparter H, Weisser G, Schulz A, Eggebrecht L, Göbel S, Arnold N, Panova-Noeva M, Hermanns I, Pinto A, Konstantinides S, Ten Cate H, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Espinola-Klein C, Wild PS (2017) Age-related diagnostic value of D-dimer testing and the role of inflammation in patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis. Scientific reports 7: 4591
  • Schulz A, Zöller D, Nickels S, Beutel ME, Blettner M, Wild PS, Binder H (2017) Simulation of complex data structures for planning of studies with focus on biomarker comparison. BMC Med Res Methodol 17: 90
  • Sinning C, Ojeda F, Wild PS, Schnabel RB, Schwarzl M, Ohdah S, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N, Michal M, Blettner M, Münzel T, Kempf T, Wollert KC, Kuulasmaa K, Blankenberg S, Salomaa V, Westermann D, Zeller T (2017) Midregional proadrenomedullin and growth differentiation factor-15 are not influenced by obesity in heart failure patients. Clinical research in cardiology 106: 401-410
  • Beutel ME, Klein EM, Brähler E, Reiner I, Jünger C, Michal M, Wiltink J, Wild PS, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Tibubos AN (2017) Loneliness in the general population: prevalence, determinants and relations to mental health. BMC psychiatry 17: 97
  • Brant LC, Wang N, Ojeda FM, LaValley M, Barreto SM, Benjamin EJ, Mitchell GF, Vasan RS, Palmisano JN, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Wild PS, Zeller T, Ribeiro AL, Schnabel RB, Hamburg NM (2017) Relations of Metabolically Healthy and Unhealthy Obesity to Digital Vascular Function in Three Community-Based Cohorts: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association 6
  • de Vries PS, Sabater-Lleal M, Chasman DI, Trompet S, Ahluwalia TS, Teumer A, Kleber ME, Chen MH, Wang JJ, Attia JR, Marioni RE, Steri M, Weng LC, Pool R, Grossmann V, Brody JA, Venturini C, Tanaka T, Rose LM, Oldmeadow C, [...], Wild PS et al. (2017) Comparison of HapMap and 1000 Genomes Reference Panels in a Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study. PloS one 12: e0167742
  • Höhn R, Mirshahi A, Nickels S, Schulz A, Wild PS, Blettner M, Pfeiffer N (2017) Cardiovascular medication and intraocular pressure: results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Br J Ophthalmol 
  • Magnussen C, Ojeda FM, Rzayeva N, Zeller T, Sinning CR, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Blettner M, Lackner KJ, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Rabe KF, Wild PS, Schnabel RB, Gutenberg Health Study i (2017) FEV1 and FVC predict all-cause mortality independent of cardiac function - Results from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study. International journal of cardiology 234: 64-68
  • Marx-Gross S, Laubert-Reh D, Schneider A, Höhn R, Mirshahi A, Münzel T, Wild PS, Beutel ME, Blettner M, Pfeiffer N (2017) The Prevalence of Glaucoma in Young People. Deutsches Arzteblatt international 114: 204-210
  • Panova-Noeva M, Arnold N, Hermanns MI, Prochaska JH, Schulz A, Spronk HM, Binder H, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Blankenberg S, Zeller T, Lotz J, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS (2017) Mean Platelet Volume and Arterial Stiffness - Clinical Relationship and Common Genetic Variability. Scientific reports 7: 40229
  • Prochaska JH, Göbel S, Keller K, Coldewey M, Ullmann A, Lamparter H, Schulz A, Schinzel H, Bickel C, Lauterbach M, Michal M, Hardt R, Binder H, Espinola-Klein C, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Münzel T, Wild PS (2017) e-Health based management of patients receiving oral anticoagulation therapy: results from the observational thrombEVAL study. Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis
  • Rose DM, Seidler A, Nübling M, Latza U, Brähler E, Klein EM, Wiltink J, Michal M, Nickels S, Wild PS, König J, Claus M, Letzel S, Beutel ME (2017) Associations of fatigue to work-related stress, mental and physical health in an employed community sample. BMC psychiatry 17: 167
  • Scholz-Kreisel P, Spix C, Blettner M, Eckerle S, Faber J, Wild P, Merzenich H, Hennewig U (2017) Prevalence of cardiovascular late sequelae in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatr Blood Cancer 
  • Schuster AK, Pfeiffer N, Schulz A, Nickels S, Höhn R, Wild PS, Blettner M, Münzel T, Beutel ME, Lackner KJ, Vossmerbaeumer U (2017) The impact of pseudophakia on vision-related quality of life in the general population - The Gutenberg Health Study. Aging 9: 1030-1040
  • Sennblad B, Basu S, Mazur J, Suchon P, Martinez-Perez A, van Hylckama Vlieg A, Truong V, Li Y, Gadin JR, Tang W, Grossman V, de Haan HG, Handin N, Silveira A, Souto JC, Franco-Cereceda A, Morange PE, Gagnon F, Soria JM, Eriksson P, Hamsten A, Maegdefessel L, Rosendaal FR, Wild P, Folsom AR, Tregouet DA, Sabater-Lleal M (2017) Genome-wide association study with additional genetic and post-transcriptional analyses reveals novel regulators of plasma factor XI levels. Human molecular genetics 26: 637-649
  • Sinning C, Kempf T, Schwarzl M, Lanfermann S, Ojeda F, Schnabel RB, Zengin E, Wild PS, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Wollert KC, Zeller T, Westermann D (2017) Biomarkers for characterization of heart failure - Distinction of heart failure with preserved and reduced ejection fraction. International journal of cardiology 227: 272-277
  • Springelkamp H, Iglesias AI, Mishra A, Hohn R, Wojciechowski R, Khawaja AP, Nag A, Wang YX, Wang JJ, Cuellar-Partida G, Gibson J, Bailey JN, Vithana EN, Gharahkhani P, Boutin T, Ramdas WD, Zeller T, Luben RN, Yonova-Doing E, Viswanathan AC, [...] Wild PS et al. (2017) New insights into the genetics of primary open-angle glaucoma based on meta-analyses of intraocular pressure and optic disc characteristics. Human molecular genetics 26: 438-453
  • van Rooij FJ, Qayyum R, Smith AV, Zhou Y, Trompet S, Tanaka T, Keller MF, Chang LC, Schmidt H, Yang ML, Chen MH, Hayes J, Johnson AD, Yanek LR, Mueller C, Lange L, Floyd JS, Ghanbari M, Zonderman AB, Jukema JW, [...] Wild PS et al. (2017) Genome-wide Trans-ethnic Meta-analysis Identifies Seven Genetic Loci Influencing Erythrocyte Traits and a Role for RBPMS in Erythropoiesis. Am J Hum Genet 100: 51-63
  • Wild PS, Felix JF, Schillert A, Teumer A, Chen MH, Leening MJG, Volker U, Grossmann V, Brody JA, Irvin MR, Shah SJ, Pramana S, Lieb W, Schmidt R, Stanton AV, Malzahn D, Smith AV, Sundstrom J, Minelli C, Ruggiero D et al. (2017) Large-scale genome-wide analysis identifies genetic variants associated with cardiac structure and function. The Journal of clinical investigation 127: 1798-1812
  • Atzler D, Appelbaum S, Cordts K, Ojeda FM, Wild PS, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Boger RH, Blettner M, Beutel ME, Pfeiffer N, Zeller T, Lackner KJ, Schwedhelm E (2016) Reference intervals of plasma homoarginine from the German Gutenberg Health Study. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 54: 1231-7
  • Baum C, Johannsen SS, Zeller T, Atzler D, Ojeda FM, Wild PS, Sinning CR, Lackner KJ, Gori T, Schwedhelm E, Boger RH, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Schnabel RB, Gutenberg Health Study i (2016) ADMA and arginine derivatives in relation to non-invasive vascular function in the general population. Atherosclerosis 244: 149-56
  • Beutel ME, Jünger C, Klein EM, Wild P, Lackner KJ, Blettner M, Banerjee M, Michal M, Wiltink J, Brähler E (2016) Depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation among 1(st) and 2(nd) generation migrants - results from the Gutenberg health study. BMC psychiatry 16: 288
  • de Vries PS, Chasman DI, Sabater-Lleal M, Chen MH, Huffman JE, Steri M, Tang W, Teumer A, Marioni RE, Grossmann V, Hottenga JJ, Trompet S, Muller-Nurasyid M, Zhao JH, Brody JA, Kleber ME, Guo X, Wang JJ, Auer PL, Attia JR, [...], Wild PS et al. (2016) A meta-analysis of 120 246 individuals identifies 18 new loci for fibrinogen concentration. Human molecular genetics 25: 358-70
  • Jankowiak S, Backé E, Liebers F, Schulz A, Hegewald J, Garthus-Niegel S, Nübling M, Blankenberg S, Pfeiffer N, Lackner KJ, Beutel M, Blettner M, Münzel T, Wild PS, Seidler A, Letzel S, Latza U (2016) Current and cumulative night shift work and subclinical atherosclerosis: results of the Gutenberg Health Study. International archives of occupational and environmental health 89: 1169-1182
  • Panova-Noeva M, Hermanns IM, Schulz A, Laubert-Reh D, Zeller T, Blankenberg S, Spronk HM, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS (2016) PO-58 - Cardiovascular risk profile in survivors of adult cancer - results from the general population study. Thrombosis research 140 Suppl 1: S198
  • Panova-Noeva M, Schulz A, Hermanns MI, Grossmann V, Pefani E, Spronk HM, Laubert-Reh D, Binder H, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Blankenberg S, Zeller T, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS (2016) Sex-specific differences in genetic and nongenetic determinants of mean platelet volume: results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Blood 127: 251-9
  • Pattaro C, Teumer A, Gorski M, Chu AY, Li M, Mijatovic V, Garnaas M, Tin A, Sorice R, Li Y, Taliun D, Olden M, Foster M, Yang Q, Chen MH, Pers TH, Johnson AD, Ko YA, Fuchsberger C, Tayo B, [...], Wild PS et al. (2016) Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function. Nature communications 7: 10023
  • Ramuschkat M, Appelbaum S, Atzler D, Zeller T, Bauer C, Ojeda FM, Sinning CR, Hoffmann B, Lackner KJ, Boger RH, Wild PS, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Schwedhelm E, Schnabel RB, Gutenberg Health Study I (2016) ADMA, subclinical changes and atrial fibrillation in the general population. International journal of cardiology 203: 640-6
  • Schwarzl M, Ojeda F, Zeller T, Seiffert M, Becher PM, Münzel T, Wild PS, Blettner M, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N, Beutel ME, Blankenberg S, Westermann D (2016) Risk factors for heart failure are associated with alterations of the LV end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship in non-heart failure individuals: data from a large-scale, population-based cohort. European heart journal 37: 1807-14
  • Sinning C, Ojeda F, Wild PS, Schnabel RB, Schwarzl M, Ohdah S, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N, Michal M, Blettner M, Münzel T, Kempf T, Wollert KC, Kuulasmaa K, Blankenberg S, Salomaa V, Westermann D, Zeller T (2016) Midregional proadrenomedullin and growth differentiation factor-15 are not influenced by obesity in heart failure patients. Clinical research in cardiology 
  • Baum C, Ojeda FM, Wild PS, Rzayeva N, Zeller T, Sinning CR, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Blettner M, Lackner KJ, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Rabe KF, Schnabel RB, Gutenberg Health Study i (2016) Subclinical impairment of lung function is related to mild cardiac dysfunction and manifest heart failure in the general population. International journal of cardiology 218: 298-304
  • Beutel ME, Jünger C, Klein EM, Wild P, Lackner K, Blettner M, Binder H, Michal M, Wiltink J, Brähler E, Münzel T (2016) Noise Annoyance Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in the General Population- The Contribution of Aircraft Noise. PloS one 11: e0155357
  • Blankenberg S, Salomaa V, Makarova N, Ojeda F, Wild P, Lackner KJ, Jorgensen T, Thorand B, Peters A, Nauck M, Petersmann A, Vartiainen E, Veronesi G, Brambilla P, Costanzo S, Iacoviello L, Linden G, Yarnell J, Patterson CC, Everett BM et al. (2016) Troponin I and cardiovascular risk prediction in the general population: the BiomarCaRE consortium. European heart journal 
  • Garthus-Niegel S, Hegewald J, Seidler A, Nubling M, Espinola-Klein C, Liebers F, Wild PS, Latza U, Letzel S (2016) The Gutenberg health study: associations between occupational and private stress factors and work-privacy conflict. Bmc Public Health 16: 192
  • Garthus-Niegel S, Nubling M, Letzel S, Hegewald J, Wagner M, Wild PS, Blettner M, Zwiener I, Latza U, Jankowiak S, Liebers F, Seidler A (2016) Development of a mobbing short scale in the Gutenberg Health Study. International archives of occupational and environmental health 89: 137-46
  • Ghiassian SD, Menche J, Chasman DI, Giulianini F, Wang R, Ricchiuto P, Aikawa M, Iwata H, Müller C, Zeller T, Sharma A, Wild P, Lackner K, Singh S, Ridker PM, Blankenberg S, Barabasi AL, Loscalzo J (2016) Endophenotype Network Models: Common Core of Complex Diseases. Scientific reports 6: 27414
  • Kaller CP, Debelak R, Kostering L, Egle J, Rahm B, Wild PS, Blettner M, Beutel ME, Unterrainer JM (2016) Assessing Planning Ability Across the Adult Life Span: Population-Representative and Age-Adjusted Reliability Estimates for the Tower of London (TOL-F). Archives of clinical neuropsychology 31: 148-64
  • Konstantinides SV, Barco S, Rosenkranz S, Lankeit M, Held M, Gerhardt F, Bruch L, Ewert R, Faehling M, Freise J, Ghofrani HA, Grünig E, Halank M, Heydenreich N, Hoeper MM, Leuchte HH, Mayer E, Meyer FJ, Neurohr C, Opitz C, Pinto A, Seyfarth HJ, Wachter R, Zäpf B, Wilkens H, Binder H, Wild PS.
  •  (2016) Late outcomes after acute pulmonary embolism: rationale and design of FOCUS, a prospective observational multicenter cohort study. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis 
  • Manukyan D, Rossmann H, Schulz A, Zeller T, Pfeiffer N, Binder H, Münzel T, Beutel ME, Müller-Calleja N, Wild PS, Lackner KJ (2016) Distribution of antiphospholipid antibodies in a large population-based German cohort. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 54: 1663-70
  • Müller-Calleja N, Rossmann H, Müller C, Wild P, Blankenberg S, Pfeiffer N, Binder H, Beutel ME, Manukyan D, Zeller T, Lackner KJ (2016) Antiphospholipid antibodies in a large population-based cohort: genome-wide associations and effects on monocyte gene expression. Thrombosis and haemostasis 116: 115-23
  • Müller C, Schillert A, Rothemeier C, Tregouet DA, Proust C, Binder H, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Lackner KJ, Schnabel RB, Tiret L, Wild PS, Blankenberg S, Zeller T, Ziegler A (2016) Removing Batch Effects from Longitudinal Gene Expression - Quantile Normalization Plus ComBat as Best Approach for Microarray Transcriptome Data. PloS one 11: e0156594
  • Ponto KA, Koenig J, Peto T, Lamparter J, Raum P, Wild PS, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N, Mirshahi A (2016) Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in screening-detected diabetes mellitus: results from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS). Diabetologia 59: 1913-9
  • Schuster AK, Pfeiffer N, Nickels S, Schulz A, Höhn R, Wild PS, Binder H, Münzel T, Beutel ME, Vossmerbaeumer U (2016) Distribution of Anterior Chamber Angle Width and Correlation With Age, Refraction, and Anterior Chamber Depth-The Gutenberg Health Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 57: 3740-6
  • Unterrainer J, Michal M, Rahm B, Hadzibegovic J, Wild PS, Schulz A, Münzel T, Blettner M, Lackner K, Pfeiffer N, Blankenberg S, Denollet J, Beutel ME (2016) Association of Type D personality with cognitive functioning in individuals with and without cardiovascular disease - The Gutenberg Health Study. International journal of cardiology 214: 256-61
  • Teumer A, Tin A, Sorice R, […], Wild PS, […], Fox CS, Pattaro C, Kottgen A. Genome-wide Association Studies Identify Genetic Loci Associated With Albuminuria in Diabetes. Diabetes 65:803-817. 2016.
  • Ramuschkat M, Appelbaum S, Atzler D, Zeller T, Bauer C, Ojeda FM, Sinning CR, Hoffmann B, Lackner KJ, Boger RH, Wild PS, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Schwedhelm E, Schnabel RB, Gutenberg Health Study I. ADMA, subclinical changes and atrial fibrillation in the general population. International journal of cardiology 203:640-646. 2016.
  • Pattaro C, Teumer A, Gorski M, […], Wild PS, […], Kottgen A, Kao WH, Fox CS. Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function. Nature communications 7:10023. 2016.
  • Panova-Noeva M, Schulz A, Hermanns MI, Grossmann V, Pefani E, Spronk HM, Laubert-Reh D, Binder H, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Blankenberg S, Zeller T, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS. Sex-specific differences in genetic and nongenetic determinants of mean platelet volume: results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Blood 127:251-259. 2016.
  • de Vries PS, Chasman DI, Sabater-Lleal M, […], Wild PS, […], Smith NL, Strachan DP, Dehghan A. A meta-analysis of 120 246 individuals identifies 18 new loci for fibrinogen concentration. Human molecular genetics 25:358-370. 2016.
  • Baum C, Johannsen SS, Zeller T, Atzler D, Ojeda FM, Wild PS, Sinning CR, Lackner KJ, Gori T, Schwedhelm E, Boger RH, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Schnabel RB, Gutenberg Health Study i. ADMA and arginine derivatives in relation to non-invasive vascular function in the general population. Atherosclerosis 244:149-156. 2016.
  • Zolfaghari S, Harenberg J, Frolich L, Weiss C, Wehling M, Wild P, Prochaska J, Beyer-Westendorf J, Koscielny J, Lip GY. Development of recommendations to continue anticoagulation with one of the two types of oral anticoagulants based on the identification of patients' preference. Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis 41:166-177. 2015.
  • Atzler D, Appelbaum S, Cordts K, Ojeda FM, Wild PS, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Boger RH, Blettner M, Beutel ME, Pfeiffer N, Zeller T, Lackner KJ, Schwedhelm E. Reference intervals of plasma homoarginine from the German Gutenberg Health Study. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. 2015.
  • Hauser F, Rossmann H, Laubert-Reh D, Wild PS, Zeller T, Müller C, Neuwirth S, Blankenberg S, Lackner KJ. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) locus 12: is glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPX1) the relevant gene? Genes and immunity 16:571-575. 2015.
  •  Zeller T, Haase T, Müller C, Riess H, Lau D, Zeller S, Krause J, Baumert J, Pless O, Dupuis J, Wild PS, Eleftheriadis M, Waldenberger M, Zeilinger S, Ziegler A, Peters A, Tiret L, Proust C, Marzi C, Münzel T, Strauch K, Prokisch H, Lackner KJ, Herder C, Thorand B, Benjamin EJ, Blankenberg S, Koenig W, Schnabel RB. Molecular Characterization of the NLRC4 Expression in Relation to Interleukin-18 Levels. Circulation. Cardiovascular genetics 8:717-726. 2015.
  • Homuth G, Wahl S, Muller C, [...], Wild PS, Ziegler A, Volker U, Prokisch H, Zeller T. Extensive alterations of the whole-blood transcriptome are associated with body mass index: results of an mRNA profiling study involving two large population-based cohorts. BMC medical genomics 8:65. 2015.
  • Schnabel RB, Wild PS, Prochaska JH, Ojeda FM, Zeller T, Rzayeva N, Ebrahim A, Lackner KJ, Beutel ME, Pfeiffer N, Sinning CR, Oertelt-Prigione S, Regitz-Zagrosek V, Binder H, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Gutenberg Health Study I. Sex Differences in Correlates of Intermediate Phenotypes and Prevalent Cardiovascular Disease in the General Population. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine 2:15. 2015.
  • Raum P, Lamparter J, Ponto KA, et al. Prevalence and Cardiovascular Associations of Diabetic Retinopathy and Maculopathy: Results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Haider NB, ed. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(6):e0127188.
  • Karsten Keller, Jürgen H. Prochaska, Meike Coldewey, Sebastian Gobel, Alexander Ullmann, Claus Jünger, Heidrun Lamparter, Liana Ariza, Christoph Bickel, Michael Lauterbach, Stavros Konstantinides, Thomas Rostock, Thomas Münzel, Philipp S. Wild, History of deep vein thrombosis is a discriminator for concomitant atrial fibrillation in pulmonary embolism, Thrombosis Research, 2015, ISSN 0049-3848.
  • Zeller, T., Haase T, Müller C, Riess H, Lau D, Zeller S, Krause J, Baumert J, Pless O, Dupuis J, Wild PS, Eleftheriadis M, Waldenberger M, Zeilinger S, Ziegler A, Peters A, Tiret L, Proust C, Marzi C, Münzel T, Strauch K, Prokisch H, Lackner KJ, Herder C, Thorand B, Benjamin EJ, Blankenberg S, Koenig W, Schnabel RB: Molecular Characterization of the NLRC4 Expression in Relation to Interleukin-18 Levels. Circulation: Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2015 Sep 11. pii: CIRCGENETICS.115.001079.
  • Häuser F, Rossmann H, Laubert-Reh D, Wild PS, Zeller T, Müller C, Neuwirth S, Blankenberg S, Lackner KJ. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) locus 12: is glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPX1) the relevant gene? Genes Immun. 2015 Sep 10. doi: 10.1038/gene.2015.35.
  • Ding J, Reynolds LM, Zeller T, Müller C, Mstat KL, Nicklas BJ, Kritchevsky SB, Huang Z, Fuente A, Soranzo N, Settlage RE, Chuang CC, Howard T, Xu N, Goodarzi MO, Ida Chen YD, Rotter JI, Siscovick DS, Parks JS, Murphy S, Jacobs DR Jr, Post W, Tracy RP, Wild PS, Blankenberg S, Hoeschele I, Herrington D, McCall CE, Liu Y. Alterations of a cellular cholesterol metabolism network is a molecular feature of obesity-related type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Diabetes. 2015 Jul 7. pii: db141314.
  • Frank B, Ariza L, Lamparter H, Grossmann V, Prochaska JH, Ullmann A, Kindler F, Weisser G, Walter U, Lackner KJ, Espinola-Klein C, Münzel T, Konstantinides SV, Wild PS; VTEval study group. Rationale and design of three observational, prospective cohort studies including biobanking to evaluate and improve diagnostics, management strategies and risk stratification in venous thromboembolism: the VTEval Project. BMJ Open. 2015 Jul 1;5(7):e008157. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008157.
  • Raum P, Lamparter J, Ponto KA, Peto T, Hoehn R, Schulz A, Schneider A, Wild PS, Pfeiffer N, Mirshahi A. Prevalence and Cardiovascular Associations of Diabetic Retinopathy and Maculopathy: Results from the Gutenberg Health Study. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis. 2015 Jun 16. pii: 1753944715589887.
  • Konstantinides SV, Lankeit M, Wild P, Quitzau K, Binder H; im Auftrag der FOCUS-Investigatoren. [Follow-up after acute pulmonary embolism. A prospective non-interventional multi-center cohort study (FOCUS)]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2015 Jun; 140 Suppl 1:S20-1. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-101767. Epub 2015 Jun 11. German.
  • Elflein HM, Fresenius S, Lamparter J, Pitz S, Pfeiffer N, Binder H, Wild P, Mirshahi A. The prevalence of amblyopia in Germany: data from the prospective, population-based gutenberg health study. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2015 May 8;112(19):338-44. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2015.0338.
  • Ponto KA, Elbaz H, Peto T, Laubert-Reh D, Binder H, Wild PS, Lackner K, Pfeiffer N, Mirshahi A. Prevalence and risk factors of retinal vein occlusion: the Gutenberg Health Study. J Thromb Haemost. 2015 Jul;13(7):1254-63. doi: 10.1111/jth.12982. Epub 2015 Jun 1.
  • Grossmann V, Schmitt VH, Zeller T, Panova-Noeva M, Schulz A, Laubert-Reh D, Juenger C, Schnabel RB, Abt TG, Laskowski R, Wiltink J, Schulz E, Blankenberg S, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Wild PS. Profile of the Immune and Inflammatory Response in Individuals With Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2015 Jul;38(7):1356-64. doi: 10.2337/dc14-3008. Epub 2015 Apr 15.
  • Michal M, Prochaska JH, Keller K, Göbel S, Coldewey M, Ullmann A, Schulz A, Lamparter H, Münzel T, Reiner I, Beutel ME, Wild PS. Symptoms of depression and anxiety predict mortality in patients undergoing oral anticoagulation: Results from the thrombEVAL study program. Int J Cardiol. 2015 May 6;187:614-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.03.374. Epub 2015 Mar 27. 
  • Hermanns MI, Grossmann V, Spronk HM, Schulz A, Jünger C, Laubert-Reh D, Mazur J, Gori T, Zeller T, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Blankenberg S, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Ten Cate-Hoek AJ, Ten Cate H, Wild PS. Distribution, genetic and cardiovascular determinants of FVIII:c - Data from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study. Int J Cardiol. 2015 May 6;187:166-74. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.03.330. Epub 2015 Mar 21.
  • Höhn R, Kottler U, Peto T, Blettner M, Münzel T, Blankenberg S, Lackner KJ, Beutel M, Wild PS, Pfeiffer N. The ophthalmic branch of the Gutenberg Health Study: study design, cohort profile and self-reported diseases. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 16;10(3):e0120476. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120476. eCollection 2015.
  • Prochaska JH, Göbel S, Keller K, Coldewey M, Ullmann A, Lamparter H, Jünger C, Al-Bayati Z, Baer C, Walter U, Bickel C, ten Cate H, Münzel T, Wild PS Quality of oral anticoagulation with phenprocoumon in regular medical care and its potential for improvement in a telemedicine-based coagulation service--results from the prospective, multi-center, observational cohort study thrombEVAL. BMC Med. 2015 Jan 23;13:14. doi: 10.1186/s12916-015-0268-9.
  • Prochaska JH, Gobel S, Keller K, Coldewey M, Ullmann A, Lamparter H, Junger C, Al-Bayati Z, Baer C, Walter U, Bickel C, Ten Cate H, Munzel T, Wild PS. Quality of oral anticoagulation with phenprocoumon in regular medical care and its potential for improvement in a telemedicine-based coagulation service inverted question mark results from the prospective, multi-center, observational cohort study thrombEVAL. BMC medicine. 13:14, 2015.
  • Zeller T, Ojeda F, Brunner FJ, Peitsmeyer P, Munzel T, Binder H, Pfeiffer N, Michal M, Wild PS, Blankenberg S, Lackner KJ. High-sensitivity cardiac troponin I in the general population - defining reference populations for the determination of the 99th percentile in the Gutenberg Health Study. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. 2014.
  • Wiltink J, Michal M, Wild PS, Schneider A, Konig J, Blettner M, Munzel T, Schulz A, Weber M, Fottner C, Pfeiffer N, Lackner K, Beutel ME. Associations between depression and diabetes in the community: do symptom dimensions matter? Results from the Gutenberg Health Study. PloS one. 9:e105499, 2014.
  • Sinning C, Keller T, Zeller T, Ojeda F, Schluter M, Schnabel R, Lubos E, Bickel C, Lackner KJ, Diemert P, Munzel T, Blankenberg S, Wild PS, Gutenberg Health S. Association of high-sensitivity assayed troponin I with cardiovascular phenotypes in the general population: the population-based Gutenberg health study. Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society. 103:211-222, 2014.
  • Schnabel RB, Wild PS, Wilde S, Ojeda FM, Schulz A, Zeller T, Sinning CR, Kunde J, Lackner KJ, Munzel T, Blankenberg S. Multiple biomarkers and atrial fibrillation in the general population. PloS one. 9:e112486, 2014.
  • Michal M, Wiltink J, Kirschner Y, Schneider A, Wild PS, Munzel T, Blettner M, Schulz A, Lackner K, Pfeiffer N, Blankenberg S, Tschan R, Tuin I, Beutel ME. Complaints of sleep disturbances are associated with cardiovascular disease: results from the Gutenberg Health Study. PloS one 9:e104324, 2014.
  • Hysi PG, Cheng CY, […], Wild PS, […], Hammond CJ, Aung T. Genome-wide analysis of multi-ancestry cohorts identifies new loci influencing intraocular pressure and susceptibility to glaucoma. Nature genetics. 46:1126-1130, 2014.
  • Engelhardt B, Konig J, Blettner M, Wild P, Munzel T, Lackner K, Blankenberg S, Pfeiffer N, Beutel M, Zwiener I. Combining cross-sectional data on prevalence with risk estimates from a prediction model. A novel method for estimating the attributable risk. Methods of information in medicine 53:371-379, 2014.
  • Beygui F, Wild PS, Zeller T, Germain M, Castagné R, Lackner KJ, Münzel T, Montalescot G, Mitchell GF, Verwoert GC, Tarasov KV, Trégouët DA, Cambien F, Blankenberg S, Tiret L. Adrenomedullin and Arterial Stiffness: An Integrative Approach Combining Monocyte ADM Expression, Plasma MR-proADM and Genome-Wide Association Study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014.
  • Schmidt F, Kolle K, Kreuder K, Schnorbus B, Wild P, Hechtner M, Binder H, Gori T, Münzel T. Nighttime aircraft noise impairs endothelial function and increases blood pressure in patients with or at high risk for coronary artery disease. Clin Res Cardiol. 2014.
  • Lüneburg N, Lieb W, Zeller T, Chen MH, Maas R, Carter AM, Xanthakis V, Glazer NL, Schwedhelm E, Seshadri S, Ikram MA, Longstreth WT Jr, Fornage M, König IR, Loley C, Ojeda FM, Schillert A, Wang TJ, Sticht H, Kittel A, König J, Benjamin EJ, Sullivan LM, Bernges I, Anderssohn M, Ziegler A, Gieger C, Illig T, Meisinger C, Wichmann HE, Wild PS, Schunkert H, Psaty BM, Wiggins KL, Heckbert SR, Smith N, Lackner K, Lunetta KL, Blankenberg S, Erdmann J, Münzel T, Grant PJ, Vasan RS, Böger RH. Genome-Wide Association Study of L-Arginine and Dimethylarginines Reveals Novel Metabolic Pathway for Symmetric Dimethylarginine. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014.
  • Michal M, Prochaska JH, Ullmann A, Keller K, Gobel S, Coldewey M, Münzel T, Wiltink J, Beutel ME, Wild PS. Relevance of depression for anticoagulation management in a routine medical care setting: Results from the ThrombEVAL study program. J Thromb Haemost. 2014.
  • Karbach S, Croxford AL, Oelze M, Schüler R, Minwegen D, Wegner-Kops J, Koukes L, Yogev N, Nikolaev A, Reißig S, Ullmann A, Knorr M, Waldner M, Neurath M, Li H, Wu Z, Brochhausen C, Scheller J, Rose-John S, Piotrowski C, Bechmann I, Radsak M, Wild P, Daiber A, von Stebut E, Wenzel P, Waisman A, Münzel T. Interleukin 17 Drives Vascular Inflammation, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Arterial Hypertension in Psoriasis-Like Skin Disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014.
  • Herder C, Nuotio ML, Shah S, Blankenberg S, Brunner EJ, Carstensen M, Gieger C, Grallert H, Jula A, Kähönen M, Kettunen J, Kivimäki M, Koenig W, Kristiansson K, Langenberg C, Lehtimäki T, Luotola K, Marzi C, Müller C, Peters A, Prokisch H, Raitakari O, Rathmann W, Roden M, Salmi M, Schramm K, Swerdlow D, Tabak AG, Thorand B, Wareham N, Wild PS, Zeller T, Hingorani AD, Witte DR, Kumari M, Perola M, Salomaa V. Genetic determinants of circulating interleukin-1 receptor antagonist levels and their association with glycemic traits. Diabetes. pii: DB_140731, 2014.
  • Holmes MV, Exeter HJ, Folkersen L, Nelson CP, Guardiola M, Cooper JA, Sofat R, Boekholdt SM, Khaw KT, Li KW, Smith AJ, Van't Hooft F, Eriksson P, Franco-Cereceda A, Asselbergs FW, Boer JM, Onland-Moret NC, Hofker M, Erdmann J, Kivimaki M, Kumari M, Reiner AP, Keating BJ, Humphries SE, Hingorani AD, Mallat Z, Samani NJ, Talmud PJ; CARDIoGRAM Consortium. Novel genetic approach to investigate the role of plasma secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2)-V isoenzyme in coronary heart disease: modified Mendelian randomization analysis using PLA2G5 expression levels. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 7(2):144-50, 2014.
  • Zeller T, Keller T, Ojeda F, Reichlin T, Twerenbold R, Tzikas S, Wild PS, Reiter M, Czyz E, Lackner KJ, Munzel T, Mueller C, Blankenberg S. Assessment of microRNAs in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Eur Heart J. 2014.
  • Prochaska JH, Coldewey M, Göbel S, Keller K, Hendelmeier M, Konstantinides S, Münzel T, Wild PS; for the thrombEVAL Study Group. Evaluation of oral anticoagulation therapy: rationale and design of the thrombEVAL study programme. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014.
  • Rocanin-Arjo A, Cohen W, Carcaillon L, Frère C, Saut N, Letenneur L, Alhenc-Gelas M, Dupuy AM, Bertrand M, Alessi MC, Germain M, Wild PS, Zeller T, Cambien F, Goodall AH, Amouyel P, Scarabin PY, Trégouët DA, Morange PE; CardioGenics Consortium. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies ORM1 as a novel gene controlling thrombin generation potential. Blood. 123(5):777-85, 2014.
  • Erdmann J, Stark K, Esslinger UB, Rumpf PM, Koesling D, de Wit C, Kaiser FJ, Braunholz D, Medack A, Fischer M, Zimmermann ME, Tennstedt S, Graf E, Eck S, Aherrahrou Z, Nahrstaedt J, Willenborg C, Bruse P, Brænne I, Nöthen MM, Hofmann P, Braund PS, Mergia E, Reinhard W, Burgdorf C, Schreiber S, Balmforth AJ, Hall AS, Bertram L, Steinhagen-Thiessen E, Li SC, März W, Reilly M, Kathiresan S, McPherson R, Walter U; CARDIoGRAM, Ott J, Samani NJ, Strom TM, Meitinger T, Hengstenberg C, Schunkert H. Dysfunctional nitric oxide signalling increases risk of myocardial infarction. Nature. 19;504(7480):432-6, 2013.
  • Choe CU, Atzler D, Wild PS, Carter AM, Böger RH, Ojeda F, Simova O, Stockebrand M, Lackner K, Nabuurs C, Marescau B, Streichert T, Müller C, Lüneburg N, De Deyn PP, Benndorf RA, Baldus S, Gerloff C, Blankenberg S, Heerschap A, Grant PJ, Magnus T, Zeller T, Isbrandt D, Schwedhelm E. Homoarginine levels are regulated by L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase and affect stroke outcome: results from human and murine studies. Circulation. 128(13):1451-61, 2013.
  • Bottolo L, Chadeau-Hyam M, Hastie DI, Zeller T, Liquet B, Newcombe P, Yengo L, Wild PS, Schillert A, Ziegler A, Nielsen SF, Butterworth AS, Ho WK, Castagné R, Munzel T, Tregouet D, Falchi M, Cambien F, Nordestgaard BG, Fumeron F, Tybjærg-Hansen A, Froguel P, Danesh J, Petretto E, Blankenberg S, Tiret L, Richardson S. GUESS-ing polygenic associations with multiple phenotypes using a GPU-based evolutionary stochastic search algorithm. PLoS Genet. 9(8):e1003657, 2013.
  • Schnabel RB, Biener MP, Wilde S, Sinning CR, Ojeda FM, Zeller T, Lubos E, Lackner KJ, Warnholtz A, Gori T, Espinola-Klein C, Blankenberg S, Munzel T, Wild PS. Sex differences in noninvasive vascular function in the community. J Hypertens. 31(7):1437-46; discussion 1446, 2013
  • Reiner AP, Hartiala J, Zeller T, Bis JC, Dupuis J, Fornage M, Baumert J, Kleber ME, Wild PS, Baldus S, Bielinski SJ, Fontes JD, Illig T, Keating BJ, Lange LA, Ojeda F, Müller-Nurasyid M, Munzel TF, Psaty BM, Rice K, Rotter JI, Schnabel RB, Tang WH, Thorand B, Erdmann J; CARDIoGRAM Consortium, Jacobs DR Jr, Wilson JG, Koenig W, Tracy RP, Blankenberg S, März W, Gross MD, Benjamin EJ, Hazen SL, Allayee H. Genome-wide and gene-centric analyses of circulating myeloperoxidase levels in the charge and care consortia. Hum Mol Genet. 22(16):3381-93, 2013
  • Köttgen A, Albrecht E, [...] , Wild PS, [...], Hengstenberg C, Nelson CP; CARDIoGRAM Consortium; DIAGRAM Consortium; ICBP Consortium; MAGIC Consortium, Meschia JF, Nalls MA, [...], Bochud M, Gieger C. Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations. Nat Genet. 45(2):145-54, 2013.
  • CARDIoGRAMplusC4D Consortium, [...]; DIAGRAM Consortium; CARDIOGENICS Consortium, [...]; MuTHER Consortium, [...]; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Wells GA, Wild PS, [...], Schunkert H, Samani NJ. Large-scale association analysis identifies new risk loci for coronary artery disease. Nat Genet. 45(1):25-33, 2013.
  • Szymczak S, Scheinhardt MO, Zeller T, Wild PS, Blankenberg S, Ziegler A. Adaptive linear rank tests for eQTL studies. Stat Med. 10;32(3):524-37, 2013.
  • Schurmann C, Heim K, Schillert A, Blankenberg S, Carstensen M, Dörr M, Endlich K, Felix SB, Gieger C, Grallert H, Herder C, Hoffmann W, Homuth G, Illig T, Kruppa J, Meitinger T, Müller C, Nauck M, Peters A, Rettig R, Roden M, Strauch K, Völker U, Völzke H, Wahl S, Wallaschofski H, Wild PS, Zeller T, Teumer A, Prokisch H, Ziegler A. Analyzing illumina gene expression microarray data from different tissues: methodological aspects of data analysis in the metaxpress consortium. PLoS One. 7(12):e50938, 2012.
  • Greliche N, Zeller T, Wild PS, Rotival M, Schillert A, Ziegler A, Deloukas P, Erdmann J, Hengstenberg C, Ouwehand WH, Samani NJ, Schunkert H, Munzel T, Lackner KJ, Cambien F, Goodall AH, Tiret L, Blankenberg S, Trégouët DA; Cardiogenics Consortium. Comprehensive exploration of the effects of miRNA SNPs on monocyte gene expression. PLoS One. 7(9):e45863, 2012.
  • Franceschini N, van Rooij FJ, [...], Wild PS, [...], Perry JR, Morris AP. Discovery and fine mapping of serum protein loci through transethnic meta-analysis. Am J Hum Genet. 5;91(4):744-53, 2012.
  • Wild PS*, Zeller T*, Beutel M, Blettner M, Dugi KA, Lackner KJ, Pfeiffer N, Münzel T, Blankenberg S. [The Gutenberg Health Study]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 55(6-7):824-9, 2012.
  • Schnabel RB, Wild PS, Schulz A, Zeller T, Sinning CR, Wilde S, Kunde J, Lubos E, Lackner KJ, Warnholtz A, Gori T, Blankenberg S, Munzel T; Gutenberg Health Study Investigators. Multiple endothelial biomarkers and noninvasive vascular function in the general population: the Gutenberg Health Study. Hypertension. 60(2):288-95, 2012.
  • Voight BF, Peloso GM, [...], Wild P, [...], Altshuler D, Kathiresan S. Plasma HDL cholesterol and risk of myocardial infarction: a mendelian randomisation study. Lancet. 380(9841):572-80, 2012.
  • * These auhors contibuted equally to this study.