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„Levels of Emotional Awareness – How to conceptualize and measure emotion centered structural change“

Vortrag von Herrn Professor Richard Lane

16. Januar 2013, 18.00 Uhr im gr. Hörsaal Bau 920, UG.

Richard D. Lane, Professor for Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Tucson, Arizona, introduced the „Levels of Emotional Awareness Theory (LEA)“ to the field of psychsomatic medicine. The LEA conceptualizes difficulties in emotion regulation that are crucial for the onset  and duration of psychosomatic conditions, it has proven usefulness in neurobiological research.

In his talk Prof. Lane will give an overview of the LEA-theory and demonstrate the measurement of emotional awareness with the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale, recent studies with the LEAS will be discussed.

Wednesday, 16/1/2013; 18.00 pm, Hörsaal Psychiatrie, Untere Zahlbacher Str. 8: Prof. R. D. Lane, MD, PhD  „Levels of Emotional Awareness – How to conceptualize and measure emotion centered structural change“